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Supercharger Help

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2 day woke up got in my car and was driving along to find when i put my foot down it drove like my 8 valve golf i used to have?

Literally 2 days ago i was checking boost levels cos ive just bought the sns chip, and the levels were as follows 2000 on redline and idle it was 460-480.

Things i have noticed is the sound of the supercharger the whistle has gone it just doesnt make a noise or whistle and no power from it at all?

There hasnt been any noise like a bang or anything from it i cant work out why its just done this?


Is there a reason does anyone know whats going on?

P.s whats strange is my brakes dont feel the same as yesterday meaning you really have to put ur foot on hard to brake well as from yesterday the brakes felt perfect. im confused does anyone know whats going on thankyou

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You have a serious vacuum and boost leak. The reason that your brakes feel heavy is that you have no vacuum assistance from the Servo due to the leak. Check all of the pipework in your engine bay carefully to find the leak. DO NOT drive your car until you have sorted this problem as your brakes will be dangerously un-assisted and not working to their proper efficiency... :|

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hi henny i just spoke to kelvin on phone i think your right as the supercharger still works and all belts are fine i did tell him to check all boost pipes plus i feel he should get darren to service his charger its got 33k on it and was jabba sport serviced!




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All sorted now the pipe going into the intercooler had blown off all fixed and goes again nicely thats a relief was kinda hoping it wasnt the supercharger that had gone! And yer ive given darren a phone will look into the supercharger being rebuilt. Is still boosting at 2000 is that normal for a stage4 after 33,000 miles?

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yeah but it should boost the same nearly the whole way un less you have boost leak untill it grenades kelvin then its expensive!


but yeah ask darren if he thinks your due a service id do it for peace of mind im just getting mine done on 18,500miles since last one!

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Ill have the money around the end of the summer so ill deff get it done then, will deff do it how much am i looking for approx is it worth staying with stage 4? or go with any other rebuild? does the r1 sc make much difference?

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