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16v brake hoses - any difference between early and late?

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Does anyone know if there's any reason the brake hose kit listed as "Corrado 90-92 Goodridge Braided Hoses" wouldn't fit a 1993 16v? I went into Goodridge HQ today and asked, but they didn't know :roll: and recommended finding out myself. The bloke at Awesome wasn't sure, so I asked the VW parts guy who said the part numbers were the same (although the 1991 has a different part no.) which means in theory the above kit should fit?


Seems funny that it's specifically listed as 1990-1992 so I thought it best to check on here before buying them.


Oh and it actually works out slightly more expensive to buy from Goodridge direct than it would to get them sent down from Awesome-GTI !!!

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Does anyone know if there's any reason the brake hose kit listed as "Corrado 90-92 Goodridge Braided Hoses" wouldn't fit a 1993 16v? I went into Goodridge HQ today and asked, but they didn't know :roll: and recommended finding out myself. The bloke at Awesome wasn't sure, so I asked the VW parts guy who said the part numbers were the same (although the 1991 has a different part no.) which means in theory the above kit should fit?


Seems funny that it's specifically listed as 1990-1992 so I thought it best to check on here before buying them.


Oh and it actually works out slightly more expensive to buy from Goodridge direct than it would to get them sent down from Awesome-GTI !!!


according to ETKA the VR6's have a slightly longer hose on either side at the rear axle, but all rear caliper hoses are the same.

Front hoses are all the same to chassis number 50-M-035 000 (350mm) and then after that are a mk3 golf part and 435mm



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So should I get the "Mk3 Golf/Cor.VR6 (pre95) Goodridge Braided Hoses" kit then?


(If it makes any difference my chassis number ends 50ZPK009155)

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So should I get the "Mk3 Golf/Cor.VR6 (pre95) Goodridge Braided Hoses" kit then?


(If it makes any difference my chassis number ends 50ZPK009155)


I guess that would work, worst case the rear axle hoses might be a cm or two too long but I'd imagine they would fit. Best check how long your existing hoses are against the kit you are considering buying to be 100% though. your chassis no looks like a later one, I'm guessing that the slight change in the front suspension design meant the later cars have longer front hoses as the later C's have the mk3 golf style front legs rather than mk2 golf.

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Cheers davidwort, I'll pick some up tomorrow then.


The only thing I was worried about with the VR6 kit is whether or not the connections at the front were different.

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