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Said goodbye to my Roccos today

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Nooo, they're not gone or anything, just had the last trip of this season in both of them today 8)


As I want to reclaim the roadtax before the month's out, banking on crappy weather in October, plus the evenings are getting too dark already too quickly, as that I would enjoy a quick trip during a weeknight (and there are too many boring suit-types still about in their boring trashcans on weeknights anyway :roll: ), today was the last chance to take both my Rocco-toys out for their last spin this season.


The sun was shining, the Mk1 ready to go (once I keep the revs above 2000 rpm :D, slightly modded engine :D ), followed by a trip in the Mk2 Storm, roaring along the roads and popping and gurgling whenever I let go from the throttle 8)


I'll miss them during the next 8 or so months again, by which time I hope the British weather will have returned in summer mode, but first I need to survive winter, rain etc. without my Roccos :roll: . At least they won't have to stand up to the challenges of Coventry city council's finest: The huge army of gritters that come out as soon as someone even remotely suspects temperatures approaching 0°C :mad:


Then again, I can visit my Roccos everyday, as they live just behind my kitchen, the Mk1 I can even see everyday from my kitchen 8)


Anyone else putting their treasures away for the winter (quite a few do this in Germany, too)?



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my rados long been locked away for winter albeit with the paint shop it wont be used again till march april time. (god that seems so long away!!)

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my rados long been locked away for winter albeit with the paint shop it wont be used again till march april time. (god that seems so long away!!)



Ya big girl :)

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A bit of a sh*tter that you can use during the winter.



Or is that what the Rado is for??


It was for nearly a whole year, but then after I started to grow fond of it (plus all the money and more importantly time that I had chucked at it), I stopped using it that often. This winter I am actually planning on also sticking my C on Sorn :shock: That'll leave me with 0 cars this winter.


Wintercars: Ideallly some Goof banger, best of all, some Club GTI S&S winner or something :lol: Japanese cars do it, too, reliable as heck, and hey, if they rust, who cares? Fords, perfect wintercars to rag around in, lose one, no damage done, on the contrary, done mankind a favour :lol:



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You've done an about face then Eric - a few weeks ago you were on about selling the Rado! ;)


Though I guess that was just the stress talking after the airco / radiator fiasco!

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a few weeks ago you were on about selling the Rado!


I still might, if the next job on mine cheeses me off too much again :lol: The problem is that the more time and money I throw at the thing the less of that I'll ever see back, if I do sell it, as any potential buyer will never appreciate all the work that's gone into it, instead just buying a ready-made and in-perfect-state car.


Then again, I seem to remember some minor amounts of swearing at someone's C Saturday just gone (nope, not my C this time :-) ) :lol:, even though everything went quite smoothly :-)


Oh well, such is the spell of Rados :lol:



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i've only just bought mine right before winter i hope she will be ok but i cant imagine putting her away for winter... anyway we have tucked the skyline up for winter ...

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