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Pain in the ass Australian G60

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Keeps breaking down !!

I've been through 2 coils and a hall sender recently, i've checked the alternator for unusual output so i've no idea why this has happened ??

All the earths seem fine aswell.


So my latest problem is that after driving it for an hour or so, it will have an eratic idle, sometimes it will cut out on me, then take a while to start again.Sounds like an old banger that hasn't been started for a year or so, taking time to get the revs up and the spluttering away.


If i pull over and stop it for a bit though, it will start and run fine. ???


Does this sound like my fuel pump is about to die ??


Any help greatly appreciated, not too many Mechanics with experience of Corradi down 'ere !

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Have you checked the ecu relay fuse at all? That can sometimes cause some problems. I'll keep my eyes open for the rado when I'm in sydney over the next few weeks.

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Havn't thought of that one mate thanks, i'll add it to the possible gremlin list, probably a dumb question but where is it located ??

Jump up and down with your arms in the air or something if you see me !!


Any other suggestions people ??

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Usual stuff,check fuel press,change fuel filter,check all engine earths(very important),check lambda probe's wiring if brittle,check probe to see output,serviced?,CAT might have imploded partially blocking exhaust gas,dodgy hyd.tappets were they sometimes remain slightly open due to old,dirty engine oil.

Also check the in-tank fuel pump's strainer for muck,sludge etc,could be water in fuel,plugs ok?,corroded ECU harness conections,partially blocked fuel injectors,injector harness insulation has cracked and is shorting out....

15+year old motors mate...

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On the fuse box, it's second or third relay on the top row. If you unplug it, the car will not start. When you plug it in, it should start ok. Mine was a bit ropey at one point and I had no end of trouble figuring out what it was. I'll jump up and down like a loon if I see you mate.

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mine was taking ages to start a couple of weeks ago, only just managing to start as the battery was about to die, and the idle was all over the place, before i tried anything expensive i just replaced the blue temperature sensor and that sorted it which is odd as the one that was in it was only a year old (from ecp though) and last time it failed it gave a completely different set of symptoms, might be worth trying if they are easy to get down under.

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Thats true, i did think about changing it, the last one i put in was from GSF along with the black one aswell. The black sensor stopped working within 6 months or so.

Worth a go!



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GSF temp senders have caused me all sorts of problems in various cars.


Allthough the VAG ones are alot more expensive ( around £26 IIRC ) I reckon it's worth sticking with them :)

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