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having one of those weeks! (thinking of selling my vr!)

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Have to admit, a cheap Honda or sommat would be what I considered if I wanted to save some money.


I've tried to tell myself that this car is my hobby - and when everything is all spot on and its driving great and its all clean, I really think there are fewer

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I used to have a Bora TDI as a company car. They are lovely to drive and pretty quick... but... I would never sell the VR for one, no matter what the cost. You will end up crying. You cant put a price on your happiness.


- Ross

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I vote Bora.

Given the choice of driving the Bora (150TDI) and my VR on a trip of say 100 odd miles of mixed roads I'd choose the Bora EVERY time.


If I was garunteed empty rds - and could afford to fill the tank up - I may just be persuaded to take the VR.


I find driving ever more stressful - and every M/F*cker is out to cut me up/race me/piss me off when I’m in the C.


Did I mention the MPG is twice as good (no joke) over my 42 miles to and from work everyday? I find the Bora an easier car to own for modern life – the remote C/L works from more than 1 pace away, there’s no separate immobiliser key-thingy to use before you can start the car, the Radio picks up all stations, there’s waaaaaaay more visibility – even at the back (and that’s still poor), the seats don’t move, the windows aren’t chipped, the… I’ll stop now, suffice to say I find it a lot less hassle to jump into and get some chips – which is why I did just that on Friday night.


I was toying with the idea of going to look at the one advertised for sale on here – but would probably want a 6-spd 115


It's up to you mate - but a TDI Bora isn't THAT bad a choice if you were to chop in your C...

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I have to agree I think a Bora TDI would be a good choice, I really did love the VR I had but in the end I got so pi**ed off with it I was actually happy just to get rid of it, for everyday practical driving the 6 speed Bora sounds like a good choice, particularly if you re-map it.

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getting the vr back tomorrow, getting excited, really have missed the old girl! been borrowing a 1.8 valver c & as nice as it is to drive there's no way i could drop down from a vr to a valver! drove a mates passat tdi & once again, nice car to drive but it's just not a vr! don't think there's another car like a vr for character & noise & rarity value (the main reasons i bought it in the first place!) so at the mo my heart has over ruled my head & i think i'm going to keep her! just need to take the lead weights out my shoes & i'll save a fortune in petrol!


going to get all the little jobs i've been putting off done asap so she's pristine again! stone chips on the bonnet & getting a badgeless grill colour coded. get the discs & pads changed & get my 17" momo's refurbed coz i cant get used to it having the speedlines back on! ( i'm sure i'll be hammered for that comment though! :lol: )


thanks for the advise anyway lads, was much appreciated.


just got to work out what else i've got of value to sell?! anyone need a kidney, one teetotal careful owner? (honest!) :oops:

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how much for an arm? or leg?


tbh my legs are worthless! left knee fxxked after motorbike crash & right knee fxxked off snapping my cruciate playing footy! also loads of ops for cartiledge removal & 20 odd years of 5 a side on hard courts wearing silly thin soled shoes & there your's for 10 bob! (50p in new money) :lol:


roll up, roll up! it's the great body parts give away!

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just picked the car up! i'm in lurve again! don't know how i drove it for so long with a knackered clutch, it's so light now its fab! over the moon with the service i got & the bill was more or less spot on what was quoted! 417 quid for the labour & they even fixed/sorted loads of other things they came across! so big thumbs up for autofix of shiremoor! dropped car off tuesday morning & was ready thursday morning! i'm well chuffed! only problem now is i'm stuck at work staring out the window at my car coz i'm dying to get out & have a bit fun!

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purpely-corrado-dude: where do you go to get stone chips and say a bonnet re-spray done in toon? Is there anywhere that is cheap, but good?

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there's a place right next door to autofix in shiremoor, cant for the life of me remember the name but i'll try to find out for you. spoke to the lads at autofix & they said they're good, quite reasonably priced. never used them myself coz i'm going to use a lad who lives opposite me. seen his work & he's really good! if you want you can have a look at the job he does on mine & i'll ask him if he fancies doing another one?

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that sounds good, i am in no real hurry (will be after xmas) but i have rusty stone chips on my bonnet and some rust at the bottom of the doors that needs to be sorted.... Would that be the sort of job he would consider or is it too much?

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yeah that's exactly the sort of stuff he does. i'm getting my bonnet done, front bumper & maybe the rear arch. no rust yet but might as well get it done, prevention better than cure 'n' all that!


when you want it done pm me & we'll sort something out.

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