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Possible fan controller failure??

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OK folks, I replaced the fan controller - (from a 93 Passat - same part number) and decided to take the old one to bits to see what was wrong with it. Something was rattling inside!

Here are the pics:

In pic 1 you can see rectifier lying at the bottom of the controller and shorted across the relay - the heat embedding the rectifier into the plastic.



I put the rectifiers back in place where they came from - see Pic 2. Something caused the rectifiers to desolder and drop down from the circuit board above. The bubble on the underside is where the shorted rectifier nearly melted through!




Pic3 is the top of the circuit board the mountings for the rectifiers are dashed in red. There is some white residue on the circuit board - it doesn't show very well as I used the flash.


I'm wondering if this is a common point of failure on the controllers. If the failure is electrical - what caused it - the close proximity to the water bottle? Someone has commented on this before.

It's really out of curiosity -why are they failing!!

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The board itself doesn't look like it has been hot. Usually if the solder melts due to component heating the board would be pretty well cooked and brown.


Looks like it might be vibration, as those components don't have any silicon or glue to hold them. So maybe over time they shake loose and fall out.



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