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Clutch stuck open . . confused.com

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Right just took the raddo out for a sneeky spin up the road for the second time after a complete engine upgrade and rebuild, and the clutch stuck to the floor, so i hooked my toe under it and pulled it up and it popped back up.

It did this twice, maybe three times before going completly 'normal' but the clutch seems stuck out, it wont engage back in, it does VERY slightly but not enough to pull the car anywhere you can just feel it pull slightly?

Good i have mates with transits to tow me home, AGAIN Sad

SO would this be the master cylinder, or slave as i would of thought its a bit weird for them to get stuck out?! (as in the clutch wont engage 'on')

Or has something much worse happened that means gearbox out time (again), and would prob mean me giving up and flogging it!!!!!

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Right so i have took the slave cylinder off, started it and put it in to gear and it grinds for a second and clonks in to gear, and just sits there so the problem lies with the clutch it seems!

WTF have i done wrong and why the hell is the clutch stuck open?!?

Things like this really piss me off and i think i have had enough at the moment!

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Even closer inspection it seems the clutch plate bolts have worked loose, and come out!!!!!

Is it an easy job to remove the box with the engine in? Anyone have a walk through ect and how much time this is going to take?


i did the little fu**ers up to torque settings why the hell have they came loose!!! And what damage have they done :-(

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Well cheers for the replys LOL


Im thinking of renting a high lift trolly jack and doing it myself as its going to be cheaper than paying a mechanic to do it!


But one of the only problems i can forsee is when i was putting the engine in i found you had to line up the driveshaft ends when lowering it beacuse there is no room to slip them in after, so how will they come out if i cant lift the engine out? theres a lip they wont fit over if people no and have done it before?


Any help for anything will be usefull beacuse im really not looking forward to taking the gearbox off after spending the past year cleaning and generaly messing around :-(



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What engine is it?


You need jacks ideally, one under the sump, and one under the gearbox, and a couple of friends....


I had a 16v and this Is how i'd do it again.


When I did mine I ran the front of the car up on some ramps (i used sleepers) so that the gearbox will slide out under the front of the car.


Take the starter out, the gear change cables and the mounting bracket (marking where they came from), undo the two driveshafts, remove the pasenger side bottom ball joint so that the drivehaft can be fully removed, the drivers side can sit there for the time being. There is a thin metal gaurd on the bottom of the gearbox covering the flywheel, remove that, along with the one on the back of the engine/box that is hidden (it gets bent otherwise.) remove the hydraulic pipe to the clutch.


Remove the rear gearbox mount(passenger side), as far as I remember, you'll need to jack the gearbox end up to be able to get it out.


put a jack under the sump to keep the engine in place. remove the front engine/gearbox mount.


Remove the 3 or 4 big bolts between gearbox and engine. then lower the gearbox end and pull it away from the engine, the d/side driveshaft will drop away now. It is *very* tight, and awkward to get out. it might be easier to get a big friend to lie under the car and help slide the box out. when you get the driveshaft out of the clutch you should be able to drop it down.


It's a B*stard, but doable....


Hope that helps

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Ah nice a reply, cheers!

Getting it on a ramp is a problem as i have no drive at all, so jacks all the way!!

You actually have to completley remove the drive shafts you mean? not just push them out the way? they come out upwards or downwards?

And reomve the brackets for the mounts as well you mean?


Cheers again!



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Just a couple of legnths of board and some bits of railway sleeper would be enough, it'd only be a couple of feet long if you made it fairly steep, or jack it up and sit it back down on the blocks. I'ts far safer than jacks. I blocked my passenger side up under the body, now I'm thinking about it.


Just unbolt the shafts to start with, when you drop the ball joint you'll be able to swing the driveshaft right out the way. The drivers side, you'll just need a mate to line back up when you shove the box back in.


Eerrr can't remember exactly but I think you've got to remove the rear mount bracket to get enough space.

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ah nice seems fairly straight forward, i will need a ball joint seporator tho i take it?


And i cant get the car up on a ramp cos the clutch wont drndyive the wheels lol, its staying exactly where it is :-(


Cheers for the advice, im sure with few smashed knuckles and blood and sweat i will sort it out!!



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Right so i thought the clutch place had started coming away, but after spending the day just removing the gearbox let alone putting it back on yet, theres sod all wrong with it, everything looks fine?!

What the hells up with it!!!

Its seems i have removed the gearbox for no reason at all???

Why would the clutch stay open??


Im so PISS** off you dont understand!!!!

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release bearing knackered?


Shaft skanky and sticking?


release fork fooked?


Master or slave cylinder needs replacing.


Broken clutch springs.


Can only be a couple of things really.

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well it was stuck open with the slave cylinder actually removed, so can be that?

Release bearing sems fine, no noise and spins freely,

shaft seems nice and smooth, slides fine,

release fork is bit the bearing clips on to yea? that seems fine as well, no cracks ect,

clutch springs seem fine from outside,

just wouldnt engage, and i no if i put it back together again, its going to do it again!!

Needs a match, and gallon of petrol im thinking?

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If it's stuck open with the slave cylinder out then it's something inside the bell housing. Did you say the clutch had recently been done? Think you've got to whip the pressure plate off and look at it closely.


There's something sticking for some reason.

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yea think ya right, its a recent clutch, bout year old but was a MR clutch one, and think it might of been a bad idea fitting it again!!! tho its VW bearing and pressure plate, well i no what im going to be doing tomorrow eh!!

Will be back im more than sure!

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oooook then!!

So its looks completly fine, not bent, no cracked springs ect!!

It was fitted by MR CLUTCH, but the clutch has VW ADUI symbols stamped on it, and LUK, i imagine this is the people who make the clutch, so is this a good make, or poor as its a MR clutch one, it actually looks more like a pattern part than the one that came off the old engine that was a sachs (think thats how its spelt)

Just cant understand what went wrong? And if i put it back together again, as i havent actually fixed or replaced anything i just think its going to do whatever it was, again!?

Its got stuck open, with no reason to!!!???!!?


Ok so reading up on LUK clutches, they seem to be a good make so im going to leav it in i think, But should i put it al back together without getting to the bottom of the problem?

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Right i dunno weather i want to laugh, or cry!!!!!!!!

I have found the problem anyway!!

It seems the bolt i didnt no did anything when putting all back together, actually does nothing!! and has shaken itsself lower and lower, untill it stoped the clutch from returning back to its rest point, hence the half stuck open bit, check the pics!!


So that would be one gearbox removed for no reason, and a job that could of been fixed in 5 seconds :-(


So whats that stupid threded hole for anyway, and why was there a bolt in it!!

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Glad you found the answer!!!!!! I'll take a look at mine and find out if I've got a bolt there.

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