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Putting the back end out...

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After 3 years ownership I finally (accidentally) managed to get the back end out in the Corrado...



Came up to a large wide roundabout (junc28 of the M4 exit rounadbout heading westwards if anyone knows it)... fairly busy so not much gap between traffic on the roundabout- finally spotted a gap and booted it to get in...


Accelerated fairly hard in second, entered the right turn to go round the roundabout and the car understeered badly (not surprising seeing as it was wet and I was still piling on the power....indeed I was ready for some understeer to occur

-- however- instead of progressively lifting off until the understeer disappeared (as I should have done) I did a sudden lift-off (which usually tucks the front in nicely, allowing me to power on out of the corner)...

--this time however as soon the weight transfered to the front the back end stepped out/oversteered maybe 30 degrees (it seemed that much to me- was probably less but it seemed a lot at the time) and sideways I went....

- opposite steering controlled it (thank you skid-pan session at Goodwood 4 years ago!!) and with a slight fishtail I was back on my way without any damage (just looking slightly foolish to the traffic behind me) and a reminder to respect the wet roads more as we enter the wet &greasy season again...



Anyway...let that be a warning to the rest of you lest you don't get away as easily as I did...and has anyone else managed have similar oversteer experiences?

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I do my best every time I come onto the A27 westbound at the Hove junction.


Its quite easy to get the back end out to be honest - with provocation of course.

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I do my best every time I come onto the A27 westbound at the Hove junction.


Its quite easy to get the back end out to be honest - with provocation of course.


maybe, first time I've its ever really happened to me in a proper sideways action though...occasionally I've had it 'step' slightly with lift off in a corner but never to the point of a 2-3 second 'drift'... which is what caught me by surprise.. ...its not like I drive it gently normally ;) (once engine and tyres warmed up of course)


..I suppose given that the 'rado is known for its neutral handling I should really be surprised its taken this long for it to happen

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lol :)


Like the warmed up comment!


I think it all just depends how your car is set up mate. I'm not dissagreeing or anything. But on the above mentioned slip road, I can hang the rear out whilst melting the front tyres for about half the slip road!

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lol :)


Like the warmed up comment!


I think it all just depends how your car is set up mate. I'm not dissagreeing or anything. But on the above mentioned slip road, I can hang the rear out whilst melting the front tyres for about half the slip road!



actually I think you've hit the nail on the head re set-up.. given all the combos of tyres you could use thats before you take into account any mods, lowering/ARBs or just worn bushes...

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I can hang the rear out whilst melting the front tyres for about half the slip road!


Like my mate would say..."Oh yeah? 'Course you can" :)

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Happend to me a couple of times....Boy does the stomach do some butterflys...


I learnt alot with my Suabru... 4-wheel power slide.. Now we're talking, although when it happens for the 1st time (Wholely sh*t) :lol:

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Only felt the back end step out once on this Rado so far and that was at the Nurburgring.. threw it into a corner with a bit too much vigour and felt the back go very lightly suddenly and sort of step to the side a bit but luckily it didn't do any more and kept itself all in check.

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I've got a bit too much brake bias to the rear, and the back will come round if braking heavily into a tight corner. To be honest it's not worried me too much yet, coming off the brakes and back on the throttle brings it all back in line again.

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Definitely easy to provoke the back out. Don't do it so much in the wet now though, last time I tried that it was at the roundabout when coming off the A23 joining the A27 East bound. Backed the traffic up over the bridge, booted it 2nd gear and threw it round and waited for the back to start sliding. It did, I over corrected and a tank slap later ended up facing the cerb. :oops: Lucky I had backed the traffic up so I had time to reverse and leave the scene asap. All good fun if there's enough space.

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