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16v Electrical/Ignition Fault

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Ok, i do know how to use the search and i am aware that similar probelms have been reported. I could not however find anyone with quite this issue.....


.....it all began on a very wet Monday morning...bloody car wouldnt start. Tunrs over and over and over and then flat battery. Jumps from the gf's car started the thing after about 15 mins. Then it was terribly lumpy, wouldnt idle and stalled at every oportunity. Had to keep the revs over 2000 to keep her alive.


Drove about for an hr which made it slightly better, still no power under 4000 revs in any gear.


Got home and it was dark, opened bonnet and when it seemed to misfire i could see a spark going across the base of the lead from the coil to the disi cap. AT THE DISTRIBUTOR CAP END.


Is this the lead or the cap? Is this what is causing it?


Replaced the cap 3000m ago and the leads 5000 ago.

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