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wiring loom dillema???

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Hey there,

Bit of a problem... the earth wire that connects to the multiplug which plugs into the airbox behind the airfilter on my 95 vr6 corrado has corroded and rendered the car undrivable :(

Am havin a real ballache tryin to get anywhere with sorting this out!!! any place i talk too cant help an the maindealers want a part number...

Anyways does anyone know if i get the whole engine loom from a golf vr6 whether the multiplug would be the same or if it would need to be the same year etc??? only really need the actual multiplug an a length of wire!!! never would of thought it would be so hard to sort!


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What does this plug connect to? I think you will find the VW single wire repair 000 979 021 will replace the corroded wire but these cost £2.14 each and you have to order 5. A photo of the corroded part would help.

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Cheers wires corroded off right at the tip an from the looks off it a repair just isnt gonna be doable!! its the multiplug that go,s into the air box behind the filter (works the maf i think) just behind the red plastic part on this pic.

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Pop down to your local scrappy and check if maybe they have another car with an airflow meter like the ABV's Vr6 1,cut off or just remove the corroded small terminals using a watch repairer screw driver and show the breaker your car's plug,probably even get 1 for free or pence..

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cheers guys,

just havin trouble finding the part have checked with loads of breakers to no avail.... only one ive found is off a golf vr but its quite a way away an not sure if it will fit! (+ cant drive to see. obviously!)

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its the multiplug with 4 wires going into it that plugs into the airbox just behind the airfilter, hopefully you can see it better in the pic below (with the arrow) its like a black plastic plug with 4 black plastic connected tubes attattched that the wires are cinnected to. let me know any other details please mate.

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