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CV joint or gearbox...you decide.

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Another week has passed and my C has given me another little problem to keep me occupied.

I need some advice please if anybody has had the same problem as me, I get a knocking sound when accelaerating hard or soft which goes away as soon as I put the clutch in.

It's quite load and it's in time with each revolution of my wheels, It also doesn't seem to make a difference if I'm going 'round a corner or driving straight.

It sounds like its coming from the o/s/f wheel arch but its obviously not easy to test this theory. Just a touch worried as I have a heavy right foot and would prefer not to flip my C 16 times and end up on the other side of the M3 under an Artic' if it is anything serious.

Inner/outer CV joint...Gearbox...Clutch...Help me people.

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not sure but its worth a check , on some drive shafts they have a collar which is a balancer , these have been known to work loose and knock , just check yours mate


most peeps cut them off when they do this as the have little or no affect



put the car on full lock and drive , does it knock ? usually a sign of a cv joint

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i got a vibratin sound which i thinks comin from the front on mine,theharder i put me foot down the louder it seems to get?


wheel bearing? more then likely





i have a knocking sound at the front of mine too i think its something in the weather, mine goes away after 10 mph

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Yeah I didn't really think of that, more then likely a wheel bearing by the looks of it.

Whatever it is now it's gone so I'm just going to pretend it never happened and keep driving my C like the ignorant fool that I am.

M.O.T's in a week anyway so I'm sure that'll probably unearth something (and also end up costing me the same as one of those funny little islands in Dubai)....

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