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rad fan stays on

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well last night i went for a bt of a fish and desided it was far too cold so i came back to the car , finding the battory was dead , so i got a freind to come down and jump me .


anyway got home and the fan just stayed on runing down the batery , the alarm starts to go off and the fans still going , all the neighbours come out and tell me to be quiet etc , at this point i am sitting in the car hollding full beam on to kill the rest of the batery because its the only thing that stops the alarm (fans still going ) . with a handy can of red-bull i wweged in to hold full beam on i went inside .


i am nowq having the problem of trying to work out how to disconect the fan motor from the batt without puling the wrong thing out , im guessing that the plug on the back of the faan is the one , but do you guys have any idea why the fan just stays on ? mant thanks :)

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yeah unplugging the fan would do the job for now, its most likely down to the rad fan switch sticking on, not sure if its the same on a 16v but on a g60 if you look down at the radiator on the right hand side (as you look at it) about 3/4 the way down is a large brass nut with a connector with 3 wires coming out of it, to prove its the rad fan switch, unplug the 3pin connector from the rad fan switch and if the fan stops replace the switch.

either £8.39 from ECP or £6.39 from AVS or £7.95 from gsf.

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