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Hellish vibration when fan kicks in

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My h plate valver has just developed a nasty fault. when the cooling fan kicks in after i've stopped there's really bad vibration. the fan doesn't sound too good at all, a bit grindy. at worst the whole car was throbbing after the ignition was turned off, v worring!

do i need to replace the whole fan or is it a case of replacing bearings? it's coming up to 140k. any suggestions?


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When this happened on my G60 it was due dry/worn bearings. I took it off and dripped some engine oil down the shaft into the bearings, left it for a while then put a permanent 12volts across it for five minutes, then re-oiled, worked perfectly quietly after that for years.


Ideally you should strip it and clean/grease the bearings, not sure if it can be done though.

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