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ABS Problem

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My ABS light keeps coming on every now and again getting more frequent. It comes on when you start the car and stays on.I know its not a sensor because i have hed one go in the past and you normally have to move drive the car for it to come on. Also every now and again when i first drive the car i can hear the pump making a noise and the braking goes funny. The weird thing his i got my local dealer to put the VAG diagnostics on it whilst he was reprograming a new key. But it came back with no error messages. Anybody else had anything similar. Cheers.

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I had a similar issue.


The ABS light came on every now and then.


When i start driving it was OK, then after a bump the light was coming on.


I inspected the wiring and found no damages, so i disconected the sensor and gave a good clean with some spray.


It doesn´t come on for almost a month, so i guess i´m sorted... :)

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mine did the same, was a duff wheel sensor.


Put your multimeter on resistance, check across the little black plugs on the suspension turrets - one will have a relatively low resistance and one will be infinite - replace the infinite one

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