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Son of a Beesting

Question about oil cooler end cap and removal

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I have taken out the standard oil cooler from my VR6. I need to remove the centre bolt (the bit that goes through the oil cooler into the block) from the end cap.


I have seen pictures of it removed, but when looking on ETKA it appears that the threaded bit is part of the alloy cap. Are you able to seperate them? Can I just buy I new end cap on its own?



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It varies from car to car.


On mine the threaded centre tube and end cap were one part and just unscrewed together as one unit, but on other cars they can be seperate, apparently. This is why if you order the kit from Stealth, you get the new longer tube AND a new end cap.

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OK, its strange that VW decided that should be different on cars. I guess mine MIGHT be one unit. I will call VW and see if I can buy just an end cap then.


I know what your saying about the stealth kit, but unless the end cap costs more than £100 its still cheaper to go through G-werks.

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