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Stupid Problem fitting rear Konis :-(

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OK, decided to after a usual day at work to need a bit of success tonight, so decided to fit the rear coilies of my Koni kit.


Got stuck trying to get the first of 2 nuts onto the strut at the top (from inside the boot), as I'm using new rubber bushes, and can't get the top bush sufficiently compressed to reveal enough thread to get the first nut onto, just haven't got enough power, even when standing inside the boot.


I know, this is a real stupid problem, as I'm sure everyone will admit. didn't have that problem when I fitted the FK Königsports on my Storm nearly 4 years ago, so what am i doing wrong? Is there a compression tool for the top mount?



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Hi Eric,

I think I'm struggling a little to vision exactly what your situation is, but as a suggestion, have you considered lowering the car back to the ground to let the thread push through so you can put the bolts on?


Maybe it's a stupid idea, but at least it's an idea??



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have you considered lowering the car back to the ground to let the thread push through so you can put the bolts on?


Haven't tried that, instead jacked up the beam in an attempt to get the piston thread to show, but no success so far. Could try your idea, though, see whether the weight of the car exerts more force than what I've tried to apply by jacking up the beam.



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Hi Eric,

I think I'm struggling a little to vision exactly what your situation is, but as a suggestion, have you considered lowering the car back to the ground to let the thread push through so you can put the bolts on?


Maybe it's a stupid idea, but at least it's an idea??




Tried and tested a 1000 times.. good tip :lol: it also allows the bush's to settle where they need to be top and bottom. Don't tighten anything until weight is down on the rear.

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It's not that I don't know what to do, it's just I had a bit of a "senior moment" and forgot as it's been a year or so since I last did that job.


You forget these things when you're my age y'see :wink:

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I'll try it out tomorrow, it's probably how I originally did it on my Mk2 Storm Rocco, but since that's been 4 years ago, I probably forgot.


Plus, I had intended to only attach the coilies at the top, because I'm looking at dropping the axle anyway to replace the axle bushes, as they're shot, after closer inspection tonight. Was trying to save some work.


With my Storm Rocco the plan was just to fit the coiles, nothing else, so I must have taken the correct approach back then, but not realising how essential it is to actually have the weight of the car do the work.


Will post up either way :-)



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