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has anyone had to do this?

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has anyone had to modify their caliper carriers to fit wheels?


the bit that sits out proud of the caliper? my wheels are touching this when fitted even with 5mm spacers, any larger spacers and the wheels would be outside the arch by about a foot lol.



Just need to know if it is safe to remove a mil or two from it




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Just a few mil really but i cut it at an angle so i didnt have to take as much off, just enough to clear the wheels. Take a bit off, sit the wheels on if its not enough take a bit more off and go from there really.

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all sounds so easy, im just a bit nervous about doing it really.


ah well time to get the angle grinder out then :(

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got it done, it was just the carrier that i needed to grind down, then painted it up, looks like new ;) noone would ever know haha.

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