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C. Will Corrado G60 2


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Ok, I've had my front bumper smoothed twice and it's only lasted a week each time before some twat has bump parked my car and taken the paint off the top of the bumper!!!! :( :(


Ok, it's park in the street so there's not that much I can do, or is there?


Is there anything that will protect my paint work from twats who can't park or don't care?

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you could try some laminex type paint protection film, its hard to get it looking perfect on a curved surface though, but it should stop any scuffs or stone chips.


i think foliatech also do a similar product.

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Dogs are good but need feeding & walking which in my book is a pain in ass.


Shotgun I like but will more than likely end up with a prison sentence.


I thought about staking the car out and beating the living daylights out of them but I have to live with these people remember.

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Well if it makes you feel better my car was parked on the road (1 week before xmas) when a dust truck decided to take the front end off. Lucky for me it never got written off but cost 1300 to fix. I suppose it gave me an excuse to get the rest of the car sprayed

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Anyone else had the same issue?


Yeah I used to Drive a Scab 9000 with the really big squishy bumpers....


Touch parked a lot in that! (But only against walls/armco in car parks/ Saxo's etc..) and didn't even scuff the rubber! I did crack 2 front plates though....


If they've taken paint off they probably have left theirs on yours... look for similar coloured cars and see if they have your paint on theirs...


Then Stab all 4 tyres.... :lol:


Or Buy a Scab? ;)

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On a serious note :


(it should be noted, I don't know where the towing eye is)


Why not get a friendly fabricator to knock you up a little thing that looks a bit like a cops' baton, so the short bit'll bolt onto the towing eye, the other bit'll stand vertical, and it'll make a noise when they hit it, without damaging yours.


Something like that?

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Na fortunately I caught the b*****d before he run off so just had to pay 350 excess

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Wait near the car and when you see who does it, climb up on their bonnet and take a dump on their windscreen. Preferably with them inside the car. They probably won't park near you again.

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I'm in the same boat to. Unfortunately it comes with the teritory living in a busy terraced street, specially one that people use all the time to park in and go shopping in the town. Unless your fortunate enough to have a drive/garage and have access to a nice big works carpark theres prob nowt much that can be done :(

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C. Will Corrado G60 2, Paint Shield are used by the Porsche dealership I used to work at so I guess they are pretty good!


Like the sound of the flames. Not quite the same but I wanted to find a way to give an electric shock to the toerags who were thieving my metal valve caps! Didn't mind too much cos the tyre guy at work just gave me handfuls of them but now I don't work there, I will have to invest in some locking ones!

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Wait near the car and when you see who does it, climb up on their bonnet and take a dump on their windscreen. Preferably with them inside the car. They probably won't park near you again.


Brilliant! The best presents are always the ones you make yourself.

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I FUCKING can't believe it!!!!!!!!!


Some twat has parked into my car and ramed their exhaust into my nice smooth bumper which isn't that nice any more! :x :x


I've left him/she a note.


there must be something I can do about it!

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Will, technically if they've hit your car and not left a note then it's same as driving away from the scene of an accident?


If they don't come back to you, call the Plod (then let their tyres down :lol: )

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Yeah, but what are the cops gonna do? They're to busy drinking cawfee and munching donuts... :?


I doubt they care about things like this, unfortunately


Chris - Do you still live a couple of roads away from me? I'm sure the council rents out garages in the road

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