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oil and water temperature to high

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cracking web site, i love my 1.8 16v 1990 raddo


i have been looking around to find an answer to my problem but no one seems to have had the exact same symptoms as myself.


a couple of days ago i noticed that both the oil and water temperature levels were knocking around the 110c. this has never really happened before apart from when i have been in static traffic for about 15mins. i then get moving and it comes down to about 74c on both oil and water.


now when i go anywhere whether slowly or fast, low or high revving the oil and water is constantly high and it has never done this before. when the water temperature gets up around the 85-90mark the hot air on the heater fan inside cuts out and starts blowing cold until i turn the engine off and wait for the temp to come down.


i have been advised that it is either, the water pump. but it does have water flowing when revved hard. radiator blockage, thermostat broken, heater fan valve broken or compression tank.


i might try this weekend to wash through the water system and try to remove the thermostat so water is running constantly to possibly rule it out.


any advise on how to remove the thermostat? blast the water system through? and what the real problem might be?


any advise hints tips would be much appreciated. happy driving

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My water temp stays just under half on the guage in traffic and slightly lower when driving. I haven't used the car in a summer yet though. My oil temp is regularly in the 100c. Usually hovers around 102-108 in traffic and 98-102 when moving.


1.8 16v with 123k.

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do you know how the water cooling system is designed? is the the thermostat before or after the radiator when it goes into the engine. the reason i ask is that the top of the radiator gets very hot but the bottom takes a very long time to get close. this might be said because the radiator cools the water but i disconnected the fan and had the car stationary so the radiator wouldn't do anything to cool surely? does this mean that the thermostat does not open enough or that the water pump is not circulating the water quick enough for building up at the top of the radiator. mind you the engine started getting very hot over the space of an hour journey not gradually over years.


in regards to the internal heater are you saying that the temperature sensor (being electrical) is cutting the hot air off or is it a valve which is doing this?


sorry it might seem like basic questions but not that educated on engines.

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mocal oil cooler will help, mine used to be 110+ driving more in traffic oil before now 94-110 in all contitions

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If you have hot top hose and cold bottom hose it sounds like the thermostat. I had similar symptoms on my G60 which is not a million miles away in terms of cooling system.

I would expect temp sensors to slowly drift over time rather than suddenly reading high, but these are also worth replacing as well.


The thermostat is a cheap and easy fix to try before replacing the waterpump (or you could remove it as you say but it will be bloody freezing at this time of year til it warms up :lol: ) It is recommended to use a genuine VW thermostat as well, some people have fitted cheap copies and found that they dont work or fail quickly.


There is a guide for thermostat change on the G60, i think it is the same on a 16v. Perhaps someone could confirm....?

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had same problem with my old c 16v , ended up doing the stat and i replaced the rad coz it was the original one , worked a treat and ended up not having to do heater matrix :) which i was told by a m echanic was the fault .

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cheers for letting me know. i'm getting the stat done on saturday. if this doesn't do the job then i'm going to tackle the rad, then the water pump. by this time i hope to have it sorted and running like a dream again.

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happy days, have been on a long trip after getting the thermostat changed and the temperature of oil and water seems to be running a lot cooler and the heater fan keeps putting out hot air no matter what the temperature of the engine is. doesn't seem to be as low as it use to be but its far better. going to get some new coolant g12+.

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Tom, you were right to keep with the water, as thats the first place to keep cool. 110 is about the max i get, on a muggy day in a traffic jam, otherwise its a lot less. I'd only bother with an oil cooler if i continued to have high oil temps but low water temps, and having tried a thicker oil (which can reduce heat problems).


Glad you're back in the cool 8)

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