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Large backfire!

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I was just on my way home when the car when really sluggish as if I had lost loads of power. Expecting to breakdown any second I changed down gears from 3rd to 2nd, where the exhaust let out an almighty backfire.

I cacked me pants and the cyclist behind nearly fell off his bike!

Afterwards it was fine! :?

What could have caused this?

Is it going to be expensives!?

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I've just been draining the tank on my car my, think i've run about 14 litres of Tesco's "finest" petrol through my engine. is this likely to have caused any damage? or could the back fire have just been a warning?

Cheers for your responses BTW

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odds are you are now the proud owner of a G60 with a dead lambda sensor... :|


By all reports, the dodgy fuel is killing lambdas which is what is causing the bad running, but the engines themselves should be fine as long as they've not been allowed to over-heat (causing the head gaskets to blow)...


If you've got the receipt for the fuel, you can go and jump up and down at them and they should pay for a replacement sensor + fitting... ;) Otherwise it's a trip to GSF for one (under £50 IIRC)

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