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Lack of respect for other peoples cars!

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Ok.. working at a college has its ups and downs. I have had things done to my car in the past.. today no actual damage was done, but it was the point of the thing.


I parked up this morning in a gap, after following some moron in a jazzed up Saxo into work. I was particularly fussy about the car this morning as I had washed it on Saturday and garaged it.. so it was spotless this morning.


After I park up, I notice another car back into the spot just in front of me.. a really really cruddy Citroen AX (like 1 litre / shopping cart style) which has a big ICE system in it.. yes, I have walked past it and chuckled to myself on a number of occasions when all the lads have been stood around the boot, admiring the noise.


A part of me, after parking up, thought - I think I should move my car as I know they all stand around the back of that car. But I thought I was just being fussy so I walked away. So.. I came to my car this evening to find polythene wrappers jammed into my VW badge on the front of the car, and some kind of crispy dust on my bonnet. Talk about bloody annoyed :(


I get sick of trying to keep my car nice, only for other losers to try and ruin it for me.. it seriously makes me wanna go down there and bust some f'ing heads :mad: Half of the students at that college are just mindless morons.. I think the next time any actual damage happens, I am going to put in a bloody complaint. Last time it was a nail from the car body shop jammed in the tyre (cost 60 quid for a new one).

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Some people have no respect for other peoples property.

I hate it when people open their doors & slam them into the side of your doors.

I have a few dints & scratches from that kind of behavior.

I try to pick my parking spaces carefully these days.

Next time ya see that citroen piece of s**t , put some chewing gum under the door handles!!!

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Pity you don't live near the seaside- I've heard the old breadcrumbs on the car trick works a treat! :lol: Pecked/scratched to bits and covered in seagull sh*te! :twisted:

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I know exactly how you feel jim I am very concious of where I park my car nowadays if by anychance I do have to park in a car park I put it at an angle over 2 spaces I know this is bl**dy selfish but I dont want to have to keep paying out coz there are morons about that just luv to swing they're doors into your car!!! As for the sh*troen t*ats get them back by smearing something really nasty like dog poop under the door handles that'll show em. Or one I ve done in the past is to pour milk under tghe backseat once that stuff goes off it absolutely wreeks and is really hard to get rid of, I can see only one problem with this you have to be able to get into the car this is classed as breaking and entering which is just as bad as wrecking someones car so DONT do it :D I did it to a mate so it was alright!!! :D

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i know how u feel mate!


wot also pisses me off is when people park there car close to your car, so when they open the door they mostly likely damage your car, they should be careful when opening their door! :mad:

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I think eveyone on here Jim knows you are talking about!


I rarely need to park anywhere other than my drive but when I do I am *very* careful about where I put her.


I am normally a gentle bloke but if I ever find *anyone* bashing their door into mine or smacking my bumper then so help me god!!!!

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Its nice to see I am not the only one who gets so frustrated about such things.. I was starting to think I was getting obsessive.


Its like.. I know that my Corrado certainly is not a Ferarri, and I know they can be bought quite cheaply these days.. but I am still concious they are getting rather few and far between.. not only that, but I dont want to have to pay out for any other people being inconsiderate.


Lord knows my car has enough little cosmetic bits that need sorting - I dont want any more :|


As for the Citroen posse, I will be keeping a very close eye out on them.. I have never ever damaged or done stupid things to anyone elses car.. but they might just drive me to it if anything else happens.

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i had some proper b!tch at my work open her door onto my rear quarter and put a lovely door knock onto the panel,then when i confronted her about it she told me to prove it was her......lets see panel intact before she parked next to me,panel damaged after parking next to me....corresponds with where her door opens...but would she admit it was her...would she feck.....and to add insult to injury...she's only a special cuntstable

next time the citroen parked next to you...put some superglue/loctite in the locks then watch them have fun opening the doors/boot........if your so inclined of course :wink:

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Sounds familiar, When i go to safeway or any big car park i make sure i park right at the far end, you know, the empty spaces where people cant be arsed to walk from my mates say why do you park so far away. they dont understand imagine the horror when you come back to find a nasty dent in the side of your pride and joy, people who have the most expensive cars are the worst for it.. Lack of Respect :mad:

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I hate it when my own passengers don't respect my car for example, climbing in with big dirty feet and slamming the passenger seat back before they slump in it, kicking the door speakers in the process :x .


Another one is when they're taking their bags out of the boot, they slam the boot closed and ding the bags off the side of the car. :mad: Then if you say anything they'll go 'its only a car'.

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I hate it when my own passengers don't respect my car for example, climbing in with big dirty feet and slamming the passenger seat back before they slump in it, kicking the door speakers in the process :x .


Another one is when they're taking their bags out of the boot, they slam the boot closed and ding the bags off the side of the car. :mad: Then if you say anything they'll go 'its only a car'.


Yea.. again, I have the same thing happen all the time.


Again, it makes me feel like I am being over obsessive, but it drives me up the wall. They make such a big deal about getting in the back and kinda fall into the seats or kick something... I just sit there cringing.


I have had trim scratched and mud all over the place.. it really gets on my nerves!!

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When at Tesco's i always park in mother and baby spaces with extra space to open doors. No chance of getting door bumped there (and i dont agree with encouraging people to take kids food shopping either)....

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Got to agree with everyone on this one. 'cept for having a go back - just takes you down to their level but I know what u mean coz I've been there too......

My worst two: just got the 16v back from the body shop, went indoors, hear crash followed by daughter saying 'God he'll kill him' Go outside to find moron kid not quite on bike buried in the rear side panel. AAARRRRR Why didn't his father practice safe sex!

I also used to think the out of the way places at supermarkets was a good idea till I came out & spied some toerag trying to bust into the 6. Good job he cleared of bloody quick else I'd probably be inside now. ONLY cost £450 to fix, but at least I still have it :D

Passengers are easy - treat my car with respect or walk

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Passengers are easy - treat my car with respect or walk


Same attitude here mate - If they dont show respect they get out and walk... slamming the doors really winds me up - have been known to snap at people who have done that.


People who put dents in the side of my C also wind me up - I actually saw some cow doing said thing with a cranky old Escort door - I went ape ! - :twisted: - missus had to calm me down....


I sometimes park right on otherside of car park where no cars are to come back pretty much everytime to find some idiot in a transit or a jeep has parked right next to me.... :evil:


To some people it is just a car but Im not one of those people... driving a Corrado makes me feel special and its a special car therefore deserves to be looked after. Thats why us Enthusiasts buy them!


Some people dont get it - take for instance an old friend - when I first bought my 1991 16V I paid £5600 for it (3yrs ago)... he couldnt believe I'd paid that money for what basically was a 9yr old car at the time.... could have got a 2yr old Saxo for that money he said.... :lol: - some people!



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some things will never change. beat the bastid until he can't remember who beat em... if you're lucky enough to catch em.


i had my car in storage and this happened, walk-by scratch from a screwdriver or something... and i mean, theres maybe 5 people at the most who come through there... no one would admit to it the bloody twits. :x

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