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Matty Newquay

Rumbling noise!

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Ok driving back from bristol yesterday did about 160 miles at a steady 65-80mph just as i arrived back to newquay i could hear a rumbling, sounded like it was a wheel bearing. I've just had all corners of the car in the air and i cant feel anything out of the ordinary on any wheel! the noise dosent vary if u change directions! There's hardly any play in the drive shaft!

The noise is real faint untill i hit 35mph then it gets real noticable but any speed above that it dosent get any louder?

Its not a knockin sound and theres no play in the steering rack!

Any ideas would be real helpfull!



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If the noise doesn't vary when you change direction, it is more likely to be a rear bearing. Not always easy to know where it's coming from just by the sound too.

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Just been out with anothr vw owner and he sayis it sounds like the font bearing is on its way out but isnt totally screwed!

Maybe i will wait a few days to see if it devlopes further then check the wheels again!!!

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Yeah I'd go with that, at some point it will become obvious by spinning the wheels by hand which one it is. Just don't go running like that for too long!

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Defo wait until the noise becomes louder. I had a car with a fecked wheel bearing that with spinning the wheels by hand was undetectable. My mechanics advise was to wait till it got louder to make it easier to detect which bearing was faulty.

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Have you tried loading the bearing up whilst driving ? drive the car round in a circles on full lock to load the bearing up. it will be the noisy bearing on the outer side of the circle you have driven.

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