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58% of Germans in favour of speed limit on motorways !!!

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Yes, I was shocked, when I read this in todays on-line edition of the German news magazine "Der Spiegel".


According to a market research institute in Leipzig 58% of 1002 representatively chosen participants aged 18 years and older were in favour of a speed limit on German motorways of 130 km/h :shock:


What's going on? It's all this dam*ed environmental sh*t that's going round Europe at the moment.


What worked during the medieval ages, the churches and powers that were in terms of suppressing the population with stories of hell, seems to be the politicians of today with their stories of doom and gloom if we don't change our habits (and pay more taxes) to "save the environment".


It would seem that it's already working, how else can one explain that 58% of the Germans would be in favour of a speed limit? OK, 1002 people is not really statistically relevant, I hear some say.


I would have thought that they had at least 50% of those 1002 people were male, but according to another article gone are the days that the German man's favourite child ("des Deutschen liebstes Kind") is the car. It is now frowned upon, if you buy a bhp-monster that guzzles too much fuel. Audi R8? Nope.


It is uncool to polish your car on Saturday.


Wiedeking, Porsche boss, has even stated that there will be an alternative fuel version of their Cayenne available soon. I wish they'd just simply scrap any SUV and other 4x4s :mad:


Germany's men will soon be degraded to nappy-changers (with loads of big corporates shedding jobs galore despite making record profits - mentioned in the same issue of Spiegel), flower pickers and other girlie things.


No more tinkering with cars, they are dirty, not good for the environment, not cool. Public transport is in!


I feel sick somehow ...



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Shame they didn't accidentally ask a sample group of 1002 Scirocco enthusiasts instead!


I think the results would have been somewhat different..

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I doubt it, cos most Sciroccos won't do more than 130kph.. ;)


But back on-topic.. ;) .. 1002 people in a country the size of germany is hardly representative, and 58% of this group is hardly a major shift either. And how do they make their claim that it's a "representative" sample? It may be representative of the different socio-economic groups, because you can look that up, but they might have just completely randomly stumbled upon the 581 hard-core environmentalists with a completely different opinion to the rest of society..


But that won't matter to the press, who will print the headline with glee..

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I doubt it, cos most Sciroccos won't do more than 130kph..


Littel knowledge can be dangerous, but hey, what do Rado-drivers know :lol:


But that won't matter to the press, who will print the headline with glee..


Not just the press, more worryingly the politicians, certain ones of which have been crying out for a speed limit on German Autobahns for years, and the number of them is growing daily! Spurred by this new environmental bandwagon, no doubt, as accident figures do not support in any way that a speed limit would be any safer.


At least the current minister of transport, Wolfgang Tiefensee, is still against a speed limit, but not so his colleagues, minister for the environment, Gabriel, and of course that cow Künast from the Green Party (probably drives a 2CV or something :lol:).


It's a question of time, before the last bastion of unrestricted motorways will fall, and why would we then bother to still buy fast cars ...

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It might possibly put a dent into the old tourist numbers too; the amount of people I know who go over just to have a long blat. Maybe its all pie in the sky too.


I hear what you're saying though and I can foresee a day when all cars are limited to thier countrys max speed and also tracked 100% of the time.


Its a shame that the enthusiast will suffer. Ther are so many people on the roads that dont need to be. For me it was a good 2 mile walk to school at a young age, then when i was older it was a 4 mile ride; yet todays kids get nipped round the corner; mums complain that they have to use the shopping malls instead of the local corner shop; but as you say there is no need for MPV's & 4x4's. A friend of mine works for the social and says that they get peopel coming in asking for money (those who claim to be hard up), however they often ask for crazy stuff like: "can you pay my car tax".... well whats wrong with your legs and public transport - how did you afford a car? ****-take!

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I'll go with the Doc too.


Lies, more lies and damn statistics..


Feckers, where else am I going to be able to test the top end of my 16vG60 when it is finally finished?

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Feckers, where else am I going to be able to test the top end of my 16vG60 when it is finally finished?




I think we both know the answer ;)

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Feckers, where else am I going to be able to test the top end of my 16vG60 when it is finally finished?




I think we both know the answer ;)




I'd agree but need a bit more room to wind it up to top end I expect, VW's 5 mile straight just is not available :(

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