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I need this sorting now!!!!

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Ok, i have a problem with my 1.8 valver. So far i've been given 3 different diagnostics of the problem from people on various forums, now i know without looking at the car its difficult to say, BUT, if i give the symptoms surely someone will know? Well, here we go.


The car is chucking out blue smoke. Not on start up, its fine. I have to be driving for 10-15 mins before it starts doing it. The hotter the car, the worse it gets. Its thick blue smoke, obviously smelling strongly of oil. Its also throwing oil straight out the exhaust onto the drive. I put some oil cleaner in on sat (randomly), and within 5 mins of being on tickover it was throwing it out the exhaust, which shows how quickly its getting through the system.


I've been told worm valve seals, cracked pistons, or knackered bottom end. From the symptoms described can anyone help me?





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Sounds like piston rings to me, valve stem seals would be on start up. time for a rebuild......... or new engine.


Is it losing power?

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Its not felt too sharp from the word go to be honest mate.


If its new engine time, would i be crazy to consider a 2L 8V lump? It is a daily after all, and the 22mpg around town is becoming a joke!

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obviously something is shot enginewise, 2nd hand 16v engines arent exactly rare/expensive and its got to come apart to fix it anyway, so just stick a new engine in it.

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well a garge is going to charge you £100 just to look at the thing, and then another £100 if you want them to tell you whats broken, and another £500+ to fix it, so a new engine sounds like a bargain, especially one for £100!

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Yep i'd look at another vavler engine ( a few on ebay at the mo) it'll be less hassle than converting to an 8v

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Is the oil being drawn into the intake? How heavy is the engine breathing?

loosen the oil cap and allow it just to sit on the rocker cover,start the engine up,does the oil cap blow off?

Remove the plugs after it starts to run poorly and look at which cylinder is at fault buy the indication of oily plugs,if not all of them?

If the rings were worn that bad it would smoke all the time cold or hot.


Have you done a compression test? Leakage test?

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Could just be the head gasket, of course ..

If an oilway is blowing into a cylinder.

Is it running somewhat lumpy? Got an/many oiled up spark plugs?

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I had a compression test done which came back fine. And it doesnt run lumpy, if anything it sounds beautifully quiet on tickover, will happily sit at just below 1k for ages, its a very quiet engine for its ages and mileage.


However, this weekend i will do the oil cap test and check the spark plugs.

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