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Right, the unspeakable had happened. My Golf G60 was stolen last night. Most people you tell that your car has been nicked offer sympathies but don't really understand. Hopefully you guys on here come closer to knowing how i feel, and knowing how you can't describe the beyond gutted feeling you get when somthing you have poured this much time care and love into is just not where it was the night before. For this reason i'll be brief. If any of you guys hear about it (details below) whether it's parts for sale or the whole car, or anyone in the industry sees/hears about it, please let me know. Co-incidentally, it was nicked from Beckenham in Kent which is in the London borough of Bromley, so if anyone sees it knocking around... Details are as follows: MK2 Golf Dark Blue, 3 door, G60 conversion, 5 spoke compomotive alloys registration G769UKK. My details are Will Sansom tel: 07764612059 mailto:[email protected].

Please guys, keep your eyes and ears open. - I appreciate it.

P.s. Anyone without an alarm/immob. get one now. It only takes one time, - it was next on my to-buy list. Cheers.

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Oh man :(


I obviously can't understand what its like to have your pride and joy stolen as it has never happened to me, but I am really really sorry for you and I hope you get it back undamaged! :(


I just can't get over the car crime in this country now. What the HELL is going on? :(

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makes you sick,really p***** me off people stealing other peoples pride and joy,i know what id do if i caugt someone trying to steal my car :evil: :twisted: :mad:

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very sorry to hear this mate.


Good luck, and hopefully it will be found



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It's sickening!!


One of the things that makes me think myself a little but luckier at living on the Isle of Man. :(



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makes you sick,really pi$$Es me off people stealing other peoples pride and joy,i know what id do if i caugt someone trying to steal my car :evil: :twisted: :mad:


Aye.. Vinnie Jones / Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels style in the car door!!!


Thieving scum.

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Man that is really nasty. I've been a victim of theft recently too but it was my car sounds, not the car and i was really pissed for weeks. Sorry man, its crazy because I had just sent your 30lb chip to liam on friday and then got a call from him today telling me what had happened. Hope you find it....and the idiots who did it.

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Sorry to hear about that bro, did it get stolen from outside ur house or elsewhere?

i know how you feel but mine was only attempted theft, good luck in finding it, it was a really nice motor too

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Gutted for yah mate, I can imagine how you must feel, one of my cousins had an attempted theft of his S3, they violently beat him, he was lucky..


The scum need shooting!! :mad:

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Sorry to hear that mate, hope you get it back with no damage,


Couple of years ago I was walking to my car from the opposite end of a car park and could see a guy getting into my car..... He was sitting in my passenger seat with my stereo in his hands by the time I ran to the window..... Well you can imagine where it went from there.... If the gf hadnt been there and pulled me back, it could have been much worse for him!!!!! There was a car park patrol guy sittting on hig big fat ar*e watchin telly in his hut, he got nice diplomatically put non-swearing words hurled at him. Its the angriest iv probably ever been :mad: :mad:



Bally..... How is your cousin now? Have the police caught anyone yet? OR are they the same as up here.... useless?

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Hi DM, he's fine mate, thanks for asking, he's dealt with it very well, the police have been helpful, they think they no who they are now, only thing is the SCUM are laying low:x but the cops have said its only a matter of time catching them at it again!! :roll:


They seem to work for City to City, so be aware..... :twisted: :x

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