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VOSA inspection today updated 6 april

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just picked my car up from a mates house ,he picked it up from the garage that changed the rear axle and did the mot earlier today drove home a little strangly so get out side my house and start to check the car over first thing i find is this






front near side kerbed 3/2 the way round


next is a little hard to see from the pics but the leading edge of the near side rear wheel is toeing out about 25- 30 mm they have only gone and fitted a bent rear axle






just in case you can't tell :( :( not happy


will be paying mister garage owner a visit tomorrow and if i don't get my money back i'll be paying the police a visit


rant over for now


second thoughts %$£^&*(&^"£


Rob :cry:

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I take it the garage sourced the axle for you?


Understand that you're seriously hacked off - maybe a lesson for us all in there - always pick a car up yourself and check it over carefully before paying

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yes garage supplied and fitted axle and the best bit is they gave it a new mot today as well ,the boy that picked it up for me uses this garage a lot and knows them well so hopeully it will be sorted

what realy gets me is until my RTA 18 months ago i have never used any garage always did the work myself but just not fit enough now ,this my be the final straw not enjoying classic car ownership now as playing with the corrado was always fun not even polished it for two years



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how can it pass an MOT with a bent rear axle ? surely they cant pass it? id threaten them by telling them you'll contact VOSA and get them reported unless they fix it. then when they do fix it, report them anyway! cowboys.

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sadly, i can picture the response when you return, along the lines of, "..its was fine when it left pal, sorry, your mate must've trashed it on the way home...."


hope you get it sorted tho - good luck

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well my faith in garages has not changed , he said rims weren't us, axle shit thats bad leave it here we will try and sort it , to which my reply was ******* wheel rims and if you think i'm leaving the car so you can **** up the other two wheels your off your head i want my money back ,OK he said it will have to be a cheque ,my responce i'm always happy to take cheques off honest men like you "i want cash ,same as i paid you" he then had a quick chat with the other people in the garage and the result ,leave it here or **** off , then asked me to leave the workshop

called the police ,they came did not want to get envolved but the garage owner tells them it was in road worthy order when it left here yesterday

so far contacted vosa filed a complant ,problem is now cant touch the car until they see it ,contacted trading standards they sent me a letter template to send requesting my money back before they get involved

all in all a pretty bad week started off with a car i could drive with no mot now £320 + mot less money in my pocket i have a car with two damaged wheels and a full mot on a car that is undrivable


Rob :cry:

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sounds like a lovely garage to deal with, full of customer care and support.


I think you've probably done all you can for now with trading standards and VOSA getting involved, doesn't make your situation any happier though I guess.


Hope you get it sorted out ASAP.


Oh, might be a good idea to 'name and shame' the business in question too ;)

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got to take the car to be inspected on wednesday at another mot station took better pics today from the rear as always looks worse from behind








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thats horrendous! I cant believe someone would do that!


i had one of my tt comps kerbed by a mechanic once when I had them. All I got was £50 off the bill. Makes me so angry!


The worrying thing is how many people have things done by a garage like this and are not mechanically minded to actually think to look for a problem or notice that something is wrong.


Good on you for filing a complaint and I hope you get your money back


Did your mate not check the rims when he picked it up?

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Best of luck with this, what a w**k situation to be put in..


I hope it gets sorted and you get compensated..

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It's so irritating and frustrating as I expect there are many of us out there that never trust anyone to do the work on our cars but there is always that one time when you just have no choice and something goes wrong :(

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took the corrado for VOSA to MOT it today guess what it failed


1 nearside rear axle has damage which adversely affects braking or steering (think they mean the axles bent ) :lol:


2 nearside headlamp aim too high


then a few advisorys


rust nearside rear ( had this last year but my welder could not see what they were on about ,)

3 brake disks slightly scored ( 3 seperate items lack of use thats all )

front passenger seat slight movement in mountings ( must have looked hard for that one )

one rear brake pipe rust (fair enough the car is 17 years old )

one road wheel welded repair ? (whats wrong with that it was done 6 years ago )



vosa were very cagey on the phone long silences when i asked questions told me not to repair the car until a report is sent on monday , they did say not until trading standards get my money back to which i said "i want to use the car this year"

on the plus side picked up the axle from oxford today looks good and only set me back £25 complete with disks and calipers ,on just went in the back of the polo



Rob :)

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Can't believe that damage to the axle! WTF were the garage that fitted it thinking! That you would not notice?! Jesus H!

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wow what cowboys... I'm so sorry. Grrrrrrrrrr :x


Not as bad as you, but it reminds me when i took my old rado to the local dealer for a service long time ago... dropped it off in the morning and was out visiting customers in the company shed.. saw this rather nice rado parked in a housing estate. thought nothing off it until i left and it flew past me at mack speed. It was my car. also given back to me damaged....

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had a verbal report on monday inspector says as far as he is concerned the axle was not damaged on my car so it must have been damaged before fitting and therefore mot'ed like this the first time ,had to wait until wednesday to see out the 14 day time slot the garage had to respond to my request for my money back ,needless to say they did not reply. phoned VOSA on thursday taked to line leader he confirmed what the inspector told me on monday and said a report is comming to me soon ,so i phoned trading standards and the case has been transfered to my local department and will be responded to within 5 working days worse thing is i'm still being told don't repair the car


so looks like i've won ,but not yet



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vosa a complete waste of time , trading standards got me an offer of half my money back £180 or go to court but as by now six weeks had gone by with a dead taxed and insured car sat out side my house and i'm being told don't touch it , and the show season looming , took the money and my mates and i fixed it with a second hand ebay axle ,

this is why VOSA are crap as when they inspected the car for over an hour they picked up the rear axle , a repair to an alloy wheel 5 years old and a loose seat (plastic guides worn) but when we dropped the rear axle off nearside spring snapped, the top plate rusted almost in two ,brake compensator seized , and when i fixed the axle, spring etc i then took it for a new MOT as the last inspection had deamed it unfit for use and when it passed and the tester tried to MOT it Vosa had not even voided the first MOT meaning i could have sold it in an unroad worthy condition legally with no come back and someone could,would have killed themselfs in it . problems with bad workmanship in garages forget Vosa , use a fire bomb it quicker and will put a bigger smile on your face




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i wondered how you got on and guessed as much ,i have tested cars for nearly 10 yrs and vosa (or tosa) are useless ,road safety is second on there list to bullsh#t and procedure they drive me mad and have been no better for you (no suprise there) i am glad you got it sorted in your own way if not the way it should have happened sorry to drag it up again was being nosey

cheers paul

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