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Tensioning roller

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Hi all, i'm changing my cam belt and am going to get the tensioner roller as well...looking through ETOS there are 2 different ones for the 9A engine, 051 109 243 and 051 109 243 A...whats the difference??



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slightly different stud and tensionner, early ones will be like the 1.8 KR engine, if you go to somewhere like GSF they should have both in stock, take your timing cover off first and take a good look and compare to the part if possible, either that or take the tensionner off and take it with you when you go to buy the part. VAG dealer will go buy chassis number/engine number or reg plate and should match it up for you without comparing parts.

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Yeah, that would make sense....The first is listed for KR and 9A so would assume that that would be for and early one, the second is listed only for 9A so should be the one i need.

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Cheers Matey. I've ordered it all now! Should be here tomorrow or Thursday ready for some weekend Corrado fun!!

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