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Photos of spoiler fixings wanted.

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Does anyone have any good photos of the usual fixing method used to attach the front spoiler to the chassis - the 5 centre fixings. Just a photo of 1 fixing will do not all 5.




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Sorry mate. Managed to get the pics off my phone. Just uploading them now and will PM you the link.

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No worries mate. I know i'd been promising to get em off but was trying to delay as I hate the Nokia software.. its a bit of a machine monopoliser. Managed to get my laptop reinstalled and Bluetooth on at work this morning so could get the pics off without as much of a fight! Just hope they are of some use.


Worth mentioning btw that a replacement metal bar part to bolt the spoiler too, isn't actually as expensive as I thought it would be. The most recent ETKA lists it at about 26 Euro's but euro's seem to translate directly to pounds (aren't we lucky!) - still not a bad price for a Corrado specific piece of metalwork though.

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