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First set of problems!!

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Well guys,


Last week my water level light started flashing, got home and sure enough the res was empty.... let her cool down and filled it back up, and i noticed at the very front of the engine some water dripping, as i kept watching it it just stopped and figured hmmmm ok :)


ran the car for another week and all was good level was good.... on the way home yesterday the light starts flashing again as i was driving and i kept looking in my rear view mirror and i could see the trailing dots of water on the road.


So anyways parked her up and said, i will tackle it tomorrow morning. Well this morning i went in the car and started it up and heard this weared

noise, after closer inspection its that little electric pump, guess its the Aux water pump.... its making a noise sort of like an old electric motor on its way out, or the empellar loose?? do i need to make a video? LOL


Anyways my question is does this pump have anything at all to do with circulating the water??? i will certainly hope not, from what i hear its simply for cooling after the car is shut off???


Anyways any idea where this leak maybe coming from? from what i can see its almost dead center on the car in the front...


I filled it back up and im squeezing the hoses to feel if there is any pressure in them from the water and they all seem empty to me and not even getting hot.

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What engine have you got? if its a vr6 check the 3 sensors slightly forward and to the right of the block - one of them should be blue. Its possible the rubber 'O' ring has gone on one of them and is letting the water escape. I had the same problem on my VR and its a 5min job to replace.

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Either what chrishill has said or it could be the thermostat housing itself - if it is a VR...

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Just had similar symptoms on my Storm. Water leak was a crack in the plastic moulding that houses the thermostat (I have also heard that it can be just the O ring seal between this housing and the engine block - but naturally I wasn't so lucky!) Might as well put a new thermostat in once the housings off. Would give a leak that seems to be coming from the middle front of the engine bay.

I also had a strange, variable whirring noise from my aux water pump, just change it, the electric motor is on it's way out.

The joys of high mileage VR6 ownership. :lol:

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OK, got to thinking and i remember seeing the 3 sensors in a row next to eachother, no the leak is not from there, its further to the left of those, i read something about a hole going to a water block might have gone bad ??


Guess i just have to get a flashlight and try to crawl under there to check, i have a kit on and its not like i can just scoot under there to check anymore LOL.

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It sounds like the plastic water transfer pipe which runs along the front of the engine commonly known as the Crack Pipe, (presumably because it cracks or am I missing something here???). The parts are cheap enough bit it's a bu@@er to get at.


If you are going to keep the car for a long time it would be worth investing in a stainless steel one.


Best wishes



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Ok Mates,


Got home (Whew rough day) got out my 8mpx camera and went downstairs and stuffed it an my old carcus of a arm down near the drip and shot this picture :)


Its the hose going it what looks like the oil filter? i dunno just got my car not to long agos so dont know much about it :)


Anyways you can see the rip, im hoping i can just loosen cut and pull the excess to restall after the rip, if not i'll need to go out and buy a length at the same diameter.



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This is the oil cooler which is integral with the oil filter housing; the oil gives up some of its heat to the water when the engine is hot. There are two water hoses, one in and one out. If one has deteriorated to that extent, you can rest assured that the other one will also give up quite soon unless it has already been replaced so have a good look whilst you're in there. Access is very restricted, you may well need to do a fair amount if dismantling to get at it properly.


If you use straight hose, make sure that there are no kinks in it when fitting ; I would advise using the proper moulded hoses, but your location may mean that you have a long wait for them to arrive. Alternatively replace all your hoses with Samco silicone rubber ones (in a lurid colour of your choice) and say goodbye to leaking hose misery.


As advised before, the crack pipe may well be fragile by now and may not survive the disturbance, so if you have it all stripped down to do the oil cooler hoses it may be a good time to replace that as well together with O-rings. It's extra expense but would be worth it in the long run.


The other leak-prone plastic bit is the elbow where the top hose goes into the radiator.


Best wishes



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