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Power steering pump, is this normal??!!

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On the power steering pump on my vr6 the feed comes in through a right angled elbow (pictured).


The strange thing is that the elbow can be turned in its hole and just pulls out of the pump (fairly tight but comes out by hand) there are no screws, bolts or fixing to hold it in place and if you pull it out there is an orange coloured rubber gasket.


Is this normal??? doesn't seem very secure, not given me any problems yet but can only be a matter of time!

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the feed pipe to the pumps on the 4 cylinder cars have a metal elbow like this, which is just an interferance fit, they sometimes come loose and leak PS fluid, they're not under pressure but should be secure and not removable by hand.

Not sure if loctite or something similar might help but you'd need the pump off the car and thoroughly cleaned of all traces of fluid around the join.

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I see, mine started life as a 16v, so i expect the chimp the carried out the conversion has used the previous pump, just seemed a strange design, but as you say it's not under pressure.

thanks for your help

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from your pic, that's not a 16v pump, but as the racks are basically the same the pump must be a very similar design, apart from the body and pulley being slightly different to suit the VR6 engine.

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