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Need help!

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My folks audi a4 keeps going flat every now and then and is starting to become more current which is bloody annoying as i am the one who usually has to jump it in the mornings so my mum can get to work!


There's nothing wrong with the car mechanically and its nothing simple like leaving lights on and have checked things like the boot light perhaps not going out or not shutting the door properly leaving the door lights on etc, there's nothing physically i can see that could be causing it!


They had the car checked at a quite frankly W@NK garage who said it was the alternator so charged a stupid amount for new alternator but it didnt change anything!


Its a diesel 2.5 TDI, so im thinking maybe the glow plug staying on? But wouldnt that just burn out if left on? Either that or a dodgy sensor or something somewhere.


Any suggestions?


Does anyone not too far away have VAG-COM to see if that returns anything?





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Could just be a knackered battery? My wifes Polo did exactly the same thing, would only hold charge for a couple of days, changed it and it's fine now.

Good luck

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Oh sorry forgot to say the garage they took it to also changed the battery but still the same, so not the battery. It only happens occassionally, but getting more frequent.

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its nothing silly like the rear boot light not turning off, therefore draining the battery over night?

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its nothing silly like the rear boot light not turning off, therefore draining the battery over night?


...its nothing simple like leaving lights on and have checked things like the boot light perhaps not going out...


Nope checked that mate as that was one of the first things that came to mind!

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Maybe try the bulb on the battery trick Rob?


Disconnect earth from battery...


Run a wire from the earth lead to one side of the bulb.

Run another wire from battery terminal to the other side of the bulb.


Any 21w indicater bulb etc will do.

Im just not sure about any immobiliser/resetting other stuff with newer cars so maybe be careful as far as that goes.


Corrado had a similar issue and it was the cd changer lead!



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has it got an aftermarket alarm?

badly fitted aftermarket alarms are the work of the devil


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No aftermarket stuff, 100% original being the folks car. Will give the bulb/battery test a go and see what happens, what am i actually lookin out for when doing it though and what does it mean? :oops: :lol:

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Does anyone know where the heat/glow plug thing is on audi diesel engines usually? We have been informed that it could be that staying on so if we actually knew what we were looking for we could check it out :lol:

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Bump, was flat again this morning :mad: and the remote locking was being dodgy wasnt working until after a few presses of the button, could just be battery in the fob going flat though i suppose.

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