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Mission Impossible...?

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I used to drive an M reg Vauxhall Cavalier. Then I changed it for an M reg C. "You crazy fool!" people have been saying. Getting rid of a high performance sports vehicle like the Mighty Cav, and replacing it with a sensible two door family run around like my C does seem a bit ludicrous, but I was struggling to keep the Cav on the road, due to the immense amount of power and torque that beast used to put out. My mission - to pimp my Rado to see if it can match the sheer grunt and clean classic lines of Vauxhall's ultimate driving machine - the Cav.


Enough cr@p. I did have a soft spot for my first car - the Cav. This has now been replaced by different feelings towards my shiny C (sometimes slightly sexual, I'm a little worried).


Totally standard so far. Have had it about 6 months now I guess. New wheels, lights and tints are coming soon. Then it'll be time to start under the bonnet...


Here's some pic's:







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Finally got some new rims (a puncture and a slow which turned out be a bit worse than I thought pushed me in the right direction). A new set of 17" TSW's, with VW centres. Very happy with them. Avoiding kerbs like I avoid tee-totalism.



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Lol... Looks lovely.


What is it? I can't make the badge out in the picture...

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It's a 2.0 16v. Wishing I'd bought the V6 now, but only my second year of driving so insurance would be an ass-f**k.


Looking to lower it at some point (my Mrs is 8 months pregnant at the moment and I need a winch to get her in as it is). Coil-overs would be good but don't know if I can justify spending hundreds on that. Need to look into lowering springs. Anyone have any recommendations?

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Never did get that far with this gallery...


Just sold my C today :( :( :(


Am absolutely gutted. But two kids and an hours commute to my new job has forced my hand. Bought a TDI Bora last week. It's a sensible family car. Diesel. Four doors. Big boot. the Mrs can get insured on it (she passed this week). But it doesn't put that "Corrado Grin" on your face.


I stuck my C on the main road through Leek for £2000, and it was snapped up after one day. Quite a few people rang and Rob Heath's dad (G60 RH) also stopped to ask about it! Small world... Wish I'd put it on for more now, but prices on the internet for valvers don't seem brilliant at the moment. So if you're struggling to sell your C, bring it over here. Leek is Dubland.


So thanks ladies and gents for all the tips, ideas and support. I'll still be posting, but no doubt less frequently now. I did point the new owner towards the forum so you might hear from him. Seems like a good bloke.


And when I've got a house with a garage, I'll be back in a VR, with an R32 lump, full leather, and all the other things I never got round to doing in this one...





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My C was up for sale pretty quickly after I sold it. Fuel prices were a bitch at that time, but they've come down now.


I passed my C today. Someone else was driving it. Gutted. Have since written off my Bora (diesel on the road) and am now driving a 2003 Passat Sport 130. It's got aircon, a decent stereo, the brakes actually work, and it doesn't break down every fortnight, but it's not my Rado.


I just wondered if the person I passed today was a newbie on here, as it didn't look like the bloke I sold it to, and it was up for sale for a while. Was very tempted to buy it back several times, but funds don't permit. My next C is going to be a VR anyway, but it was in Midnight Blue... :tongue:

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The Corrado Bug has bitten me hard again...


Had a diesel Bora briefly, but it ended up like this:






I've had some pretty bad whiplash and a foot injury, but overall I was very lucky. Have now got a Passat B5.5 130 Sport. Bit of a Dad's car, but I have two kids, and having been in a crash, I want something solid wrapped round them with lots and lots of airbags. Which means my next C will be just for me, so no crisps and sweet wrappers scattered all over the back!


Prices have really dropped haven't they? Not sure what to get next, as it's going to be a project car (basically it will be sat in bits in a garage for along time whilst I work out how it all fits back together :? ). Two possible routes at the moment, any thoughts would be appreciated:


1. Buy a VR that is in good nick and put in a 24v lump. Hopefully, everything should work OK.


2. Buy the cheapest C I can get my hands on (probably a valver) and build that up, including the 24v.


Not sure which will be the most economical way to go. As I'll be looking to replace a lot of stuff (e.g. suspension, interior) then maybe option 2. Are there any other big differences between the valvers and VRs? I know when I had my valver, I was annoyed by having 4 stud for the wheels. It's the little things like that I need to know about.

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theres a guy selling a dark blue vr with a 2.8 24v on here for about 2.5k i think in the for sale section.

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Cheers Swiftkid - will have another look. That would save me a lot of time and money!


It will of course leave me more time to stress about what colour leather to put inside the beast...

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