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solid front engine mount any good????

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my front engine mount is on the way out, so was thinking bout getting a solid engine mount. Would this be a god idea? wud it knacker the back engine mount up because the front is solid??

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Apparantly solid front mounts snap the bracket the mount screws onto because they do not have any give in them. So prob best to steer well clear of them i would have thought. This was posted here a few weeks back by someone where the only thing keeping their engine from dropping out was the oil filter which was resting on the cross member. :shock:

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We sell many (around 30 per week in solid and also our own upgraded bushed mounts and have had only 1 or 2 faliures with ours over 3 years so i wouldn't say the should be stayed away from. I do agree though that all the mounts need to be in good shape not just the front.


The crossmember is actually bushed so you arent strapping the engine solid to the chassis. There are many topics on mounts so for an unbiased view i would do some reading and use the search facillity.



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