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Mocal oil coolers on valvers

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Has anyone put a Mocal cooler on a 16v C? Just interested if the consensus is that it's a worthwhile mod. If I did get one it was thermostatically controlled.



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Found this on a site, and thought it was interesting to read.....


"If you are using your car for any form of track, competition or high performance use then the engine oil will need cooling.


The most common cause of competition / high performance engine failure is loss of oil pressure, as the oil heats up it becomes thinner. This lowers the pressure produced by the pump and increases the oil escape from the bearings lowering the overall pressure further still.


Roughly speaking you need about 10psi of oil pressure per 1000rpm.


e.g. 7000rpm requires 70psi oil pressure


If the pump cannot meet this demand when the oil is hot/thin engine failure will result - usually in the form of running a crank bearing (death rattle) or throwing a rod through the side of the block!


This is especially important on part worn engines - a cooler/thicker oil will give the oil pump a fighting good chance of meeting the demand. On a new or part worn engine if the oil pressure is maintained, the engine isnt over revved or over heated there is no reason for failure.


For track, competition or high preformance use a rough target temperature for the oil is around 100degrees C. Over 100C the oil thins out rapidly and therefore drops the pressure."


I'd say using an oil cooler is never a bad thing.

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