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Clarification needed on boot spoiler problem please.....

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I've just developed a bit of a problem with my spoiler - after 3 years of trouble free motoring, the following has now happened...


When I hit 45 the spoiler will come up a bit but not all the way. When I slow down, it will drop down a bit but not all the way. When I use the switch, it will come up a bit, then when pressing the switch again it will come up a bit more, press it again, and it comes up a bit more and it's the same on the way down. Basically seems to be sticking.


I presume from this that it's not the control unit as it's still trying to activate at the right speed. I've noticed some quite heavy scoring on the rods which move up and down (not been greasing it - naughty boy). Is there a way to fix this - is it likely to be the rods sticking or the motor having issues?? Seem to recall coming across a thread outlining something similar, but haven't been able to find it again. Any advice would be welcome.

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There has been a thread on here recently..i think, with a link to vortex giving instructions on how to strip down and clean the spoiler. I started doing it last saturday but got beaten by the rain, it seems really straightforward except you have to drill out one of the holding bolts, its pretty clear in the instructions. If you start blowing fuses then you probably wont be able to start the car as its on the same circuit as the fuel pump

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Having disassembled mine twice in the last couple of weeks I can say that it's almost certainly not the plastic tube bits and you shouldn't need to grease them.


However, as per the vortex thread - it is almost certainly gunk in the cables and in my case, inside the motor itself.


Mine is now working again, but it's not very happy about it as the motor makes a fair bit of a grinding noise.

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OMG I hadn't realised it was going to be as fiddly as that to do. Looks like another weekend job lined up already. Thanks for the link. I hope you're motor sounds better soon Dom :(

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It's not actually too much of a bugger to do - the hardest part is getting the swine out and in of the boot.


You'll need to unclip and unbolt the boot central locking actuator and remove it (can leave the vacuum hose attached) to get the main mech out, but it is a bastid.


Sadly my motor's never gonna be the same again I don't think, so if I can remember, I'm gonna go pick one up from a guy this week...

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Grr, started this today and (just like in the Vortex thread) the thread lock was too tight and I managed to shear off one of the captive nuts. Another design classic from the VW agarge then :( Think I will get a spare mechanism, strip it down, grease it then fit it - hopefully it'll outlast the car then.

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Replacement mechanism turned up in the post today (after I knackered one of the captive nuts ins my current one). Decided to preempt any problems and grease the cables on the new one while it was out of the car. Totally transformed how smooth the cables ran - the stuff that came out of them was filthy as well, so definately seems to be a good idea to clean them. Hopefully I'll be able to get the old one out this weekend and get a working spoiler again.

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Glad to hear your success. If the weather is dry on the weekend i'm going to give it a go, but 'll have to rebuild the plastic housing as per the vortex thread as it cracked as soon as i turned the bolt! After that i'm going to take the sunroof motor apart.......i've got the DIY bug and i cant stop!

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Glad to hear your success. If the weather is dry on the weekend i'm going to give it a go, but 'll have to rebuild the plastic housing as per the vortex thread as it cracked as soon as i turned the bolt! After that i'm going to take the sunroof motor apart.......i've got the DIY bug and i cant stop!


Good luck with it Ian. I didn't attempt to clean the motor, but cleaning the cables was easy enough if a little fiddly. I too am hoping for good weather to get this done. Fingers crossed.

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Just spent a couple of hours trying to get the thing out of the boot....still cant get the two end bolts out. Tried drilling them out, but I need something more powerful. I surpose the last resort is to just cut the plastic housing off!!!

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OMG, what a pain of a job :shock: :shock: I had to resort to just heaving at it at one point, as I had one captive nut that was just spinning in the plastic. Problem seems to be that there just isn't enough room to do anything in there. Also had to dismantle the original mechanism while it was still in the car as the rear wiper and boot mechanism looked to have been grown around it. Got the replacement one back in without too much problem though. Even so took me an hour and half this morning (in the rain, hmmph). Has to be one of the least pleasant jobs I've done - although to be fair the heater matrix hasn't gone yet.... Good luck with it Ian.

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