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Factory oil cooler P/N for 2.0 16v?

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Discovered some oil in my expansion tank today.. not a lot of it but still not good to see it there. Doesn't seem to be any moisture under the filler cap or on the dip stick so trying to be optimistic and hoping its the oil cooler thats shot rather than the head gasket.


Looking on ETKA they seem to list two oil cooler P/N's - 068 117 021B and then 068 117 021BX - the BX one is substantially cheaper. Does anyone know the difference and which is suitable? I've googled till i'm blue in the face and just can't find any more information!



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After looking at the coolers, are they the same for the 1.8, g60, 2.0 and VR?


I bought a new 1.8 16v one 2 years back, so have the number off that box.


Turned out it wasn't the cooler, but the H/G did leak...


I could send you my old one to try on the car if you want?

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Sorry oh learned one - not all of us have friends that work for VAG!! :)


I could send you my old one to try on the car if you want?


Hm - I do appreciate the offer mate but if I do the job I wanna just do it once and would prefer to fit sommat brand new... but it might be a tight month money wise so i'll let you know on that :)

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No worries...


I had a mare with mine... The spring clips were a nightmare to get at, and the pipes wouldn't come off the cooler easily.


Doing it again I'd unbolt the radiator fan cowling and lift it out. Think the oil filter braket has to be unbolted to get enough clearance to get the cooler off.... Can't remember exactly though.


Any problems, give me a pm.

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