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blackboy VR6

VR6 corrado cutting out

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Help needed, corrado started cutting out after driving for half a mile, it just cuts out like its ran out of petrol, after 5 -10 mins of trying to start it it wil restart, so ive had it on the computer and it found that the immobiliser was stopping it from starting, so fault has been reset and the installer of the toad alarm has disconnected the immobiliser side of the alarm,

After taking it for a 20 min run last night it was spot on, no cutting out and also started straight away when engine was stinking hot, which it some times struggles too,

Then today after taking it to work (no probs on the way there) it cut out on the way back after about a mile, tried turning it over and it wouldnt start, waited 1min and it started, drove the rest of the way home and no probs, then took it for a drive and no probs again, it did take a few turns of the engine to get it started, but was fine,


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When does it cut out? Slowing down and dipping clutch? Unexpectedly when you're on the move?


Does it happen both when the car is warm and also when it's cold?


When you're restarting it, does it turn over but just won't fire?


Has anything been changed already that you know of? Fuel pump? Fuel filter? Ignition switch? Crank speed sensor? Spark plugs? Leads? Coilpack?


The search will help (if you take a moment to learn how to get the more appropriate results).

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cuts out when on the move and so far has only done it when cold, yes the engine just turns but doesnt fire up,

Ive changed the fuel filter, plugs and leads about 4 month ago and the ignition switch about 6 month ago

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Yep, would check the fuel pump relay. Also clean the ISV and make sure the sponge from the ISV damper pot hasn't been sucked into one of the hoses. Happened with mine- kept stalling when cold, but wasn't too bad once warmed up.

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getting fuel relay tomorrow , whats the ISV??. no bother going to and from work and took it for a run tonight and no probs, got 130 on the motorway the night and no probs again,

strange me thinks???

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ISV = Idle Stabilisation Valve. Around the back of the head near the throttle body

, hoses connected to it, silver cylindrical thing, hisses when the engine is running. It gets mucky inside and can mess up the idle, and can be cleaned with brake cleaner.


Btw, nothing wrong with your fuel pump if you can do 130 (kilometers per hour he meant, Officer....). But the relay may be intermittent, so worth changing.


Best wishes



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got prob solved a while ago, just forgot to give reason for cutting out,

The reason:

a faulty ecu relay, :? and the price to fix?

free from a crashed golf from the local breakers :lol:

no probs since :D

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