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Rocket Ron

Miltek Exhaust link pipe

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Just purchased a Miltek Exhaust for my VR.

Removed the old one from the car quite easy because at the moment refurbishing rear axle.

When it came to fitting the new one rear and centre box went on fine all lined up to the hangers then it came to the link pipe, but it was to long by about 200mm/12".

Contacted my supplier RIMSYLE in Kent who checked part number for model and year which was correct, they had never come across this before. They contacted Miltek who said that the Corrado VR's are fitted with two types of Cat a long and short version mine was the long version. They said it was the first time someone had mentioned this problem and would look into it for any future fits and hopefully would bring out two versions of the link pipe.

In the meantime there answer was to cut the pipe to fit (about 24"). I have now done this and it fits fine.

Has anyone come across this before.

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Most exhausts come with a long link pipe to cater for both cat lengths (76cm and 54cm IIRC). It's better to get too much pipe than not enough ;-)

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