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G60 Owners and Wiring gurus...darren etc,please look.

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Ok...i think i may have found a problem with my car...im just hoping to god someone can confirm that the below is wrong...and something isn't right.


Ok...Car ignition off and everything as it should be except disconnected plugs.


Lambda plug on left...Throttle switch plug on right.


I have continuity from:

1 to A

1 to B


2 to A

2 to B


3 to A

3 to B



If any g60 owners could please just pop off your lambda plug and throttle switch plug...then test for continuity from each pin on throttle switch plug to lambda.


It would be cool...but hopefully someone can confirm the above isn't right.

Please god tell me ive found my problem? :o :D

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I know ive mentioned this before but you have the checked the switch's on teh TB are working as they should ?

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Yep...had many diffarent throttle body's/switches on there darren..Ive swapped them again tonight as ive fitted a standard throttle body.


Any idea on the above? Sommet dosnt just seem right to me? :?

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Could anyone please perform the above continuity test?


Its only a quick and simple one...and could potentially put an end to a 2 year problem ive had with the car.


Unplug lambda and throttle switch plug.


And just test from>>> each of the 3 throttle switch pins to>>> each of the 2 lambda heater wires on lambda plug.



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I think we got the idea that you wnt someone to do this for you the first THREE times you asked!!!


Patience is a virtue Riley! People have got there own stuff to do

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Right - gonna do this now - there is no way that should be correct IMO...


Did you have the ECU plugged in??


Back in 10...

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Riley - With the ECU unplugged I get nothing - I think that proves there is not a wiring fault or none of those wires are making contact in the loom...


With the ECU plugged in I did get readings but all we are doing is looking at the ECU circuitry - as my car is knackered tho it would be good for someone else to do this to compare...


1 to A 692 Ohm

1 to B 698


2 to A 692

2 to B 689


3 to A 3.0

3 to B 0.4

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Mate - Darren mentioned the TB switches again and I know you have checked them but have you checked they are working with the loom plugged in and testing at the ECU plug??


Earth is pin 6

Full is pin 15

Idle is Pin 11

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Yep,have checked time and time again m8 :(

Thanks for checking m8...appreciate it.


I did it with ecu plugged in,and im going to do it without pretty soon...hopefully i still have continuity in the loom,as that would mean there is a fault.


I think we got the idea that you wnt someone to do this for you the first THREE times you asked!!!


Patience is a virtue Riley! People have got there own stuff to do


I understand that,but i asked a simple question and just got asked about the switches again...Ive changed them about 6!!! times along with the throttle body.And checked them at the ecu countless times...as stated in the main thread.

Believe me,i know what patience is after 2 years of this problem...and continuously being asked if ive tried this and that.


I asked the same question on dubforce and got a reply about the purple signal wire for the lambda...I try to describe things as simply as possible and get silly answers some times...


If someone else asks me if the ignition timing is correct again... :agrue: Same goes for asking if ive tried ecu/chip/coils/lambda's etc etc...

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If someone else asks me if the ignition timing is correct again... :agrue: Same goes for asking if ive tried ecu/chip/coils/lambda's etc etc...


Fella - whatever answer people come back with you should appreciate that whether you've done it before or not they are trying to help you.


At the end of the day my advice like many others is exactly the same. Save some cash up and get it to an expert, I appreciate we don't all have loads of money, but you've had this issue for 2 years and in that time you've done ALOT of other modifying of your car, when really you could have put that money to use in sorting the car and making sure mechanically it runs spot on before making it look better. A good looking car is nothing if it doesn't go anywhere!!!!!

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car trailor and a tank of juice would have it at g werks, he'd have all the spares to try on it and diagnose the problem without buying random parts

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