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MOT question

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Just a quick question about getting an MOT.

Mine is due this week, but I'm away with work from the end of the week. I was going to book it in for 28th.

That leaves a few days this week when the car has no MOT. Is there any leeway in driving a car with no MOT as long as it's booked in for one, or can you only do this to/from the MOT centre?

Cheers for any help....

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If its not got a current MOT. legally you can only drive it to and from the MOT station without a valid one

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Cheers, that's what I thought.

Could be a day on the train then unless I can get it booked in early.

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best inform the MOT test centre too, so that they note it down in the book; so when plod pulls you over for picking your nose and notices on the database its not got an MOT, you can honestly say you are on your way NOW.

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im sure one day will be fine ;) i had to go for 2 days with no tax back in january as i had just sold the old numberplate and due to the DVLA not updating their database very often they wouldnt issue me a new tax disc as the car didnt exist with its old H plate back on. Sod getting the train to work tho.


us guys on forums like these seem to worry so much about stuff like this, making sure the cars booked in 2 weeks early "just in case" and such like, then worrying for a week that their "baby" will fail :( then I hear stories from (mainly) girls at work who realise theyve been driving round in their corsa with no mot for 3 months without getting pulled over lol

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I've managed to blag lifts for the rest of the week now, so I should be sorted.

It'd just be sods law that I pranged it on the only day without an MOT.


Saying that, my first car (1L Citroen AX!!) failed it's MOT, and after scrapping it I realised that I'd been driving it round without an MOT for over a month anyway. Whoops.

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Can't get away with no tax though, automatic fines are issued now.


mine was backdated when i bought it from the dvla office, and im sure the form said it could be back dated up to 14 days so they must give you 2 weeks before they issue a fine? I know it was a bit naughty tho ;)

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I know there used to be a 14 day 'grace' period but wouldnt know if that is the case..


Personally id rather not risk it, i dont like having to pay 200 quid a year as it is without getting fined and making it even more expensive...

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