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Problems with fitting new piston rings (pic of tool)

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I'm doing a rebuild on my VR6 at the moment, everything is all clean or new and ready to go back together, I went to put the first piston back in earlier and hit a problem. The face of block is flat but the bores are at an angle so as I went to tap in the the piston the ring compressor rests on the front of the block as it should but is raised on the other side, so as the piston is tapped through the ring compressor one side of the ring enters the block ok but the other side pops out....

A quick search on the tinternet brought up a thread on the Vortex forum, somone said you cant do it with standard piston ring compressor and you need an angled one. I've tried a few local motor factors, tool shops and no-one knows what I'm on about.


Can anyone shed some light please....



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HI Chris.

Just had mine completely rebuilt and the garage had the same issue. They bought a standard compressor, and then ground the base off at 15 degrees I think it was. Anyway,whatever the angle is, is what to grind it to. Plently of lubricant too. have fun


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Put a piston back last week with a standard ring compressor, but it went in OK - you just have to be careful.


I might add that it was the old piston and rings - so it would go in easier. If they are new rings, it might be a problem!!

As Dic suggests try grinding the bottom of the ring compressor. Probably be easier grinding if it's clamped around an old piston to keep everything tight.

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You can also get the rings in with the aid of small watch repairers screwdrivers,along with the ring compressor.

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If reusing existing pistons, did you clean out the ring lands with a piece of old ring before putting the new ones in?


As others have said, it's doable with a standard compressor but an angled one is best...

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The tool is 3278 and costs £15.38 from VW + VAT. The VW text goes;


"If a new fitting tool (funnel) is used to install the pistons, first pass piston with oiled piston rings twice through the tool and then if necessary remove the resulting metal shavings. Only then install piston with piston rings.


? Oil tool and push piston in by hand. High point of the piston crown must face to the lug on the fitting tool -arrow-.

? Hold tool (with piston inserted) on upper edge and press piston in with both thumbs.

? Push piston in until it protrudes approx. 15 mm from the lower edge of the fitting tool.

? Place piston in appropriate cylinder bore. Lug on fitting tool -arrow- must face to centre of cylinder block.

? Hold fitting tool tight against cylinder block and push piston in."

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Yes I'm re-using old pistons, cleaned the lands with an old ring snapped in half, they are spot-less, the new rings fit in nicely. I tried to order the tool from VW but they seemed to think I was talking Greek. I have just rang them again, so hopefully I'll have some luck this time, bloke didnt know how to order one.... he's ringing me back. I dont see how it can be done with a standard ring compressor with out modding it, unless its well used and worn and can be contorted into shape, I'll happily buy the correct tool if I can. Thanks for the info Crasher, basically the same as my Bentley manual reads, helpful all the same though. :D

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Hey Crasher.

The tool you describe is great, except as far as I know it's just for the 2.8.

never made one for the 2.9, but kick my butt if i'm wrong.

When i tried to get one for the 2.9, one could not be found, only 2.8


PS Bently manual is for the american market, therefore only 2.8. Good book non the less. Lost without mine

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I'm picking one up in the morning, I have read on VWvortex that people have used them on 2.9's. Looking at a photo of one its a plastic tool which looks like it'll give fine. I'll make it work! :lol:

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I had a quick go this evening with the tool, been too busy to have a go before. Works a dream, to anyone who thinks they may do a set of rings on a VR, dont mess around with grinding a standard piston spring compressor base to an angle or struggling, just buy this tool. Or PM me if your too tight to shell out the £18 and I'll lend it to you.

Pic's for those interested:




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