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Converting LHD Auto to Manual same as convertin RHD G'box?

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There's no shortage of excellent advice and guidance on the forum about converting an auto corrado to a manual, but what about on a LHD model? Would that make it any difference? I suppose the pedals would be the same but on the other side (of course) but what else would being LHD effect? Would RHD box and transmission spares be suitable just as if it was a RHD auto to manual conversion?



Many thanks,



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the actual gearbox and most of the bits should be identicle


you will need a hyd clutch pipe and speedo for the car its going into

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Spoke to the Phirm and they said I would need the following from the LHD:


1. Pedals

2. Gearstick

3. Cables (can't quite understand why cables should be handed but maybe it's the orientation of the end connections on the cables or something)

4. Clutch Master Cylinder (but not clutch)


He reckoned about £800 +VAT for the labour which makes me think it could be quite expensive over all unless I suppose I was able to get a more or less complete LHD gearbox from the continent although I'm not sure how easy / difficult that would be?


Any comments appreciated.


Cheers, Simon.

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