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Could be time for a change....

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Michael, really think you'd regret it. Been there several times (7!) myself, sold the C, then regretted it- sometimes straight away, sometimes after several months. Your car is an absolute beauty, you've made it pretty much perfect, but there's always scope to do more if you're getting a little bored.


I think a lot of people (sometimes unnecessarily) feel the need to mod their car continuously, without actually stopping to enjoy it for what it is. Go and have a long look at it, go and redline it in 2nd and 3rd, take it for a 'spirited' drive through some country lanes. Would you enjoy those sort of things so much in a Golf?

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Yeah, don't do it mate, just get an old run around as a daily driver - If you keep the Corrado for the weekend, you'll appreciate it so much more


You can get some real cheap,reliable cars - I bought a 1989 Honda P00lude (Prelude.. :lol:) with 150bhp, 4-wheel steering off ebay. Had a couple of minor problems, but in total I've paid less than £500 for it and I park it wherever, not worrying about dings and that :D


Your Storm is a beauty and ones like that dont come around often. Like others have said, there are tons of Golfs around. I'm sure most Golf owners secretly want a Corrado.. :wink:

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Michael, really think you'd regret it. Been there several times (7!) myself, sold the C, then regretted it- sometimes straight away, sometimes after several months. Your car is an absolute beauty, you've made it pretty much perfect, but there's always scope to do more if you're getting a little bored.


I think a lot of people (sometimes unnecessarily) feel the need to mod their car continuously, without actually stopping to enjoy it for what it is. Go and have a long look at it, go and redline it in 2nd and 3rd, take it for a 'spirited' drive through some country lanes. Would you enjoy those sort of things so much in a Golf?


I did wonder when youd be along Andy as you know more than most about whats been going through my mind. For alot of guys on here whove had the Golfs in the past they have said dont do it but ive never had a Golf and TBH all the ones ive driven ive enjoyed. Im not about to anything silly though. A Mk2 is being sourced as we speek and there are plenty to choose from so in a way its best of both worlds time,i keep the Corrado which im not going to lie here i love to bits and i get a half decent Mk2 to play around with, not be too worried about and use when its raining... :) I intend to put the Corrado off the road over the winter which im pleased ill be able to as i hate subjecting to the salt etc that the season brings..


Im not going to get a MK1 though as id be kidding myself, id be wanting to throw everything at that and that would lead to the Rado going, i guess that a all in good time thing..


What everyone has said is correct though, when you use the car less you appreciate more and that is the plan....

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Good man Michael, you have saved me from pain as if you had sold the rado i would have had to slap you next time i saw you and you aren't the kinda bloke i wana go around slapping :lol:


I think you have made the correct choice, same as mine basically except mines with an old polo instead of a golf, but i dont really intend to do much to the polo, maybe slam it on some wide 13's though 8) Its only been a week since i drove my C and i miss it to death!! After driving around in the polo and a van (exhaust has fell off the polo :roll:) i just had to get the rado out now and start her up and she feels and sounds sooooo good :lol: She's going to get a quick wash then i will tuck her up again :D so i think you will certainly appreciate your C more!

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After tooling round in the goof for the last week I took the VR out for a spin, it really does make me appreciate the rado.

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I've been away from a Corrado for a good few years after trading in my VR for a 1.6 Polo prior to a court visit...


I've had the Polo and then a 1.6 Scirocco and now daily a 1.4 Polo (100 miles).


I've been slowly fixing bits and bobs on the one I bought from here a while ago. Yesterday I came home to find my dad was washing it so I helped him and we gave it a quick clean up, windows, carpets etc.


He said I should drive it back round to the garage. I'm making no excuses that it's wrong on many levels with no tax/test yet but I went up the road and back a few times just because I couldn't help myself.... all I came back thinking was fxxx me how did I keep my licence so long before and if it failed the mot next week on anything big I'd sell it and buy another one with a test as I want it back. :luvlove:

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Think you've definately made the right decision, Michael! :) Really pleased.


Looking forward to seeing what happens with the MK2 8)

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Looking forward to seeing what happens with the MK2


If a lot happens to it then im being a silly boy, suppose its never stopped me before.. :)

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Right decision Michael! I've been really impressed with what you've done so far and I think its probably true to say you have been an inspiration to quite a few on here so would have been a shame to lose ya.


Absence does make the heart grow fonder - had a weeks seperation from mine this week while on hols in Dorset (driving a Renault Scenic :? ) and boy did it feel good to give it a good blast today. :D


Picked up a replacement drivers side window from Andy Brookes in Verwood and found some absolutely fantastic drivers roads between there and Shaftesbury (B3081) on the way home. Might be worth a detour if you are heading this way from Pompey or would make a great route for a days convoy?



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That's that panic over then :lol:


What you need is a nice slow noisy smelly diesel to really make your VR feel great extra special!

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I may be on the verge of buying a GTI 16v so that the Corrado feels extra sepcial when she comes out to play..

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Glad you have sorted yourself out.

Kip was saying he needs to have a word and let you know about those end of a season thoughts!

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Glad you have sorted yourself out.

Kip was saying he needs to have a word and let you know about those end of a season thoughts!


Its cause you two keep winning all the prizes :)


Its not that ive fallen out of love with the car Judith, theres just other thing out there id love to have and i cant have them all together. Plan is im gonna wait until i can afford, and have somewhere to put them and then i will...

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