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Pesky brake hose union nuts - ideas please

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Hi all,

I installed a pair of G60 brakes on to my car last night but have had to re-use the old flexi hoses as we couldn't get the damn nuts undone!

Has anyone got any magical techniques for undoing ones that are stuck hard??



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had the same problem when doing my 288mm conversion absolute ball ache the nut just rounds off we ended up cutting the solid brake line for both the fronts and then running new solid brake lines! So in my opinion no easy way im afraid!

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when i went to get some brake lines made up and i said that the nuts had rounded off he was like they shouldnt round off them they should come off easily i felt like saying yeah ok mate you come and have a go lol! Goldie on here had the same trouble and he told me that he just cut the solid brake line as near to the nut as possible so not to lose a lot of the brake line and take the whole brake line to a local garage or similar and get them to swage a brand new union onto the end so new flexi hose can then be connected to the new union! What i cant understand though is with 288mm coversion you have to change the hoses because they are banjo fitting but with you changing to g60 and the hoses being the same as before why bother going through all that trouble?? Is it for braided hoses??

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Is it for braided hoses??


It is indeed.

The main issue is that we had to turn the calliper onto the line as we couldn't fit it to the calliper first, which mean that the 12 year old brake hose is now twisted at funny angles.

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My my motor the front ones did actually come off without a fight thankfully but.. the rears were mostly all seized and corroded to hell and it did mean me having to make up some new brake lines whilst Chris scuttled around under the car fitting them. Provided you've got good clearance under the car (ie well off the ground and not just 8 inches or something) its not that time consuming.. you just need the brake pipe flaring kit (not too expensive) and the relevant union nuts, etc...

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