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intermittent idle problem...help!!

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recently ive been having idle problems..when idleing, sometimes the revs drop to almost zero and then rise above 2,500 rpm and then back down again and so on..but it only does it evey now and again! a friend suggested it may well be to do with the fact that i was using unleaded instead of super unleaded so i swapped to super unleaded from BP and for the first tank all was fine..no probs whatsoever..then i filled up again, but this time with superunleaded from Sainsburys (both 97 ron) and now the problem is back and it makes for a very uneasy drive!! its the only problem im havung but is really really getting on my tits!! if anyone can help by suggesting sa cause then it would be much appreciated!

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It probably just needs setting up. I wrote a guide on this for The Golf + about this a couple of years ago. If you PM me your email address I will email it to you.

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would a bad set up or more to the point a lack of set up cause it to happen only every now and again though??


either way its definately worth a go! PM on its way!

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Is in not in the Wikki? I have that copy of Golf+ at home that guide it spot on kept my Golf running sweet for years! 8)

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