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1.8 16v timing

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Ive just rebulit my engine and i was wondring what degree i shud set it to with a timing gun i know theres 2 diffent one to set it to but i cant rember witch ones thay are :)

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Ive just rebulit my engine and i was wondring what degree i shud set it to with a timing gun i know theres 2 diffent one to set it to but i cant rember witch ones thay are :)


If you set it by the marks on the flywheel through the hole in the top of the bell housing, there is a '0' mark for TDC and a second mark at 6 deg advanced (the factory spec), if you run the engine on super unleaded you'll probably get away with a degree or two more advance at idle than that and so get a little more power, providing you've got a timing light that will adjust to a specific advance.

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