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Just keeps spinin!!!

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this may sound really really stupid but my G60 just wont stop spinnin when i put my foot down?? any ideas how 2 help stoppin it a bit?? Sonuds stupid but it is doin my head in!!!! :(

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Dude, its all about throttle control. You cant just put your foot down and expect it to not spin.

but then aint it a waste off power??lol if ya get what i mean! :?

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quaife dif, Wider wheels and better tyres, and you should be well on your way, but unless you get some uptodate traction control in there you will never overcome physics.


more power than grip = spin

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Throttle control does not mean dont use it all, its controlled use of it all.


ease the power in as i suspect its lower down the revs at lower speeds it spins, so ease it in to the point it would stop spinning then floor the damn thing.


Nothing better than a nice grippy set of tyres to stop spinning the wheels, remember its the only point of contact with the road.

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It is all about throttle control.


That said, I used to have a G60 with 207BHP and 187lb/ft of torque.. never spun the wheels on that apart from in rain and at that point I knew it was time to stop being an idiot!

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As above - don't drive like a loon and you'll get the power down.


If it's still lighting the tyres up, buy some with pronouncable names.


If it's still lighting them up then you're either driving like an idiot or have a seriously fondled G-lader.

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It is all about throttle control.


That said, I used to have a G60 with 207BHP and 187lb/ft of torque.. never spun the wheels on that apart from in rain and at that point I knew it was time to stop being an idiot!


Your G60 looked rather clean!!! :D love the colour! :D

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My valver used to spin easily, turned out to be the tracking and shoddy tyres.


Correct tracking and good tyres (rainsports) and it's all but impossible to spin the wheels on the valver (144bhp and 136lbft) and nearly as good on the vr (something and something else) Can really throw the vr into roundabouts in the wet actually, as I scared my sister doing tonight.

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I have poop tyres on the front and in the dry its still hard to get them spinning but that may be down to the lag on the turbo. In the wet even with good tyres its still easy to spin as the turbo spools up to 1.5 bar so it has to be turned down to 0.5bar.

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Amusingly after this discussion, ended up doing an enormous wheel spin today in the rain.. someone had flashed me out of a junction and I realised that as i'd pulled out a guy in a Porsche Cayman had come booting over the hill and i'd gone right out in front of him.. I floored it hoping to try and avoid what seemed like an unavoidable accident and just creeped out of the junction with the wheels going beserk. Thankfully being as it was a Porsche he had great brakes and managed to avoid plouging into me.


Doh :(

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wheel spin in a g60 is normally caused by one (or a combination) of the following...


1) bad driving! :lol: As above, just booting it WILL normally make a G60 spin its wheels!

2) dodgy tyres - this includes tread depth, make, size (bigger IS NOT always better!), pressure and condition

3) geometry - tracking, caster and camber, and toe in/out make a BIG difference to handling and thus wheelspin. Many places who do tracking DON'T do the camber/toe in/out setting when they do your tracking so leave you with suspension which is still not set up properly

4) suspension - dodgy shocks/springs or simply badly setup suspension will cause the car to throw its weight around causing the front end to go light and so wheelspin.

5) seriously crappy UK roads... speaks for itself... bad surface with gravel or oil/water on it will make for plenty of wheelspin!


My G60 doesn't spin its wheels when I'm hammering the hell out of it... the worst I ever got at Santa pod was a slight chirp of the tyres on each change - and that's running 252BHP! :lol:

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This thread is a good lil discussion :-), as Ive been running 7 psi on the turbo VR and been wondering why its gripping so well without a Peloquin? So these answers are all good for me :-).

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My G60 doesn't spin its wheels when I'm hammering the hell out of it... the worst I ever got at Santa pod was a slight chirp of the tyres on each change - and that's running 252BHP! :lol:


I wish i had done that, i do need more practice launching but 1st and 2nd just span easily and a complete waste of time.

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Am i right that you need ABS to have traction control.


Not necessarily, but you need speed sensors on each wheel to control the power and these are usually installed with the ABS.


Some traction control systems just limit power to wheels, some actively brake other wheels too, in which case you need ABS.

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Thats me out of the equation then having NO abs


Still prefer my right foot for traction control

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Thats me out of the equation then having NO abs


Still prefer my right foot for traction control


Well no, sorry that was my point. You can have traction control and no ABS - you just need to fit a speed sensor to each wheel.


However, you don't often find traction control on a production car that doesn't have ABS because if you've gone to the effort of putting the speed sensors on, you might as well fit the ABS ECU and pump too.


At a basic level, the traction control just needs to know how fast the gearbox is spinning (already can from the speedo sensor) and how fast the wheels are going. If they don't match, then it kills some of the power to bring things back in-line.


The later Corrados (at least the VR6) apparently do have some form of very crude traction control, so that if you light the wheels up it will sort of cut the power. Can't say I've ever felt it tho.


If you look at the clever stuff then the traction control learns at what point stuff starts to slip so it's semi-predictive when it cuts the power. The really clever stuff on the 4-wheel drive cars also controls the diff and ABS, so it can actually control how much power is delivered to every single wheel and if needs be, apply some braking to wheels too. Those setups also know where the steering is pointing, what the inputs are from the pedals and I'd also wager a have a box of gyros in them to work out what the car as a whole is doing. It's some spooky clever schitt.

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