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steamy windows

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Anyone else suffer from excessively steamy windows? I did post a similar question previously, but peeps just rattled on about heater matrix's and stuff, still don't know whats involved in


a) checking whether or not its my matrix, how do I tell?


b) how do I access the vents behind the dash board?


Any help would be grately appriciated as I am really having a problem driving with steamed up windows!!! Grrrr

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Hi mate, I found my windows went very steamy this morning, all i did is play about with the heater vents, adjusted the heater to the far right and left it on for a few minutes seemed to clear after a while....

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Are they steamy when you get in the car, or do they get steamy when you're driving?


Has it only started since it's been raining?


Are your carpets damp?


Mine's started steaming up since the rain started and I've found why... damp carpets = water leak...

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You'll know whether or not if it is the heater matrix because the steam on the windscreen will be greasy because effectively it is coolant that is condensing on your windscreen. It use to happen in my golf all time that is because I had a leak somewhere and moisture was getting in the car so on a hot day it would condense and fog up my windscreen.

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nah no damp carpets, can't be the heater matrix either. I think the airpipes must be trapped or mis routed somewhere. looks like the dash will have to come off at some point. Prolly wait til the summer though before I do that :(

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UPDATE, YES I have wet carpets, all indications are pointing towards the matrix AARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!


just put some radweld into the system in the hope it sorts it


Always the optimist :D

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Not a good idea... I've heard many people say bad things about radweld.. Ranging from "it shouldn't be used at all, ever, no, absolutely not!" to "maybe in an absolute emegergency to just get you home"..

But you wouldn't put gunk in your oil, so why put gunk in the water? Either way you're bunging up all the waterways in the engine too...

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yeah I have mixed thoughts on the stuff too, but as for "blocking up your waterways" dunno who told you that but it certainly doesn't do it. It block leaks at best, it also has anti corosion additives which will do it more good than harm.

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If the windows gets wet when the car is not used it could be the plastic in the doors.

If the plastic in the doors arnt completle seald the water will leak in to the car.

This will make the carpets wet.


Sorry for the bad english =)

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lol, someone told me to use eggs when I had a leaky rad on my Rover, I thought they were taking the p***, guess not. :lol:


I ended up getting a bottle of radweld but only used half the bottle and it worked a treat.

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wait till you get the matrix fixed and it blows out cold air because it has blocked the non return valve :mad: thats what happened to me

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OK so I've bought another Corrado & I suspect the matrix needs replacing. No wet carpets but I get excessively steamy windows when I use the blower. the difference is that this C has Aircon, could that be the problem?

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hey guys a tip i learned with the corrados is the vent right next to the ECU will get blocked with leaves and cause leaking on the passenger side (US models) and the driver side for you guys. check under the hood and under the rain gutters. make sure everything is nice and clean, take off the filter looking thing right next to the ECU and make sure there isnt anything in it. because if there is that is your problem. my car was leaking for a month before i heard about that 'normal' leak. it was also causing my car to be fogged up in the moring. just thought i would mention.

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The excellent a/c in my last vehicle always fogged up and then cleared the windscreen in about five seconds immediately after starting - I wouldn't worry if this is your current 'problem.'

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