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Strange Request this one................White C Required

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Hi Guys,


Hope one of you chaps can help me 8) I'm getting married next year (August) and as my girlfriend Loves corrado's too she suggested a white corrado as the wedding car!


Now I thought that was cool (Thats why I love her), but as my C isn't white I have a request:


Is their anyone on here who would be willing to lend me (well us) them and their White Corrado for the day???? Taking the bride to the Venue, Photo's etc etc I will of course pay you expenses etc! The wedding is in the Hull Area so a Local owner would be a bonus!


Can anyone help????????? BTW not bothered what engine is in it, just so long as it's White and Tidy :wink:


Cheers Guys



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Now if you really loved her you wouldn't think twice about re-spraying yours white :lol: , think of the thank you's you'd get for that

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Theres a lad in Stanley i think called Turbomagic or something like that on here who has a tidy white VR with grey Recaros...

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You'd be welcome to mine mate but the paint is shocking at the moment. Mind you I hope it would be sorted by august next year! 8) You're so lucky. My partner wants to go to the wedding in a Mustang GT. Fine by me really but I'd rather it was a Rado.

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I'd offer mine but it's got no interior bar the seats (Recaro buckets and Sparco harnesses) and dash.. It's a little noisy as well. :)


If you can live with that lot then I should be able to do it...

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there's toad on here also, but i don't think any bloke on here, would let there missus be alone in the car with him :lol:

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there's toad on here also, but i don't think any bloke on here, would let there missus be alone in the car with him :lol:


Toad.......The Fecal Fetishist?????? :lol:

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Can't help you at all mate, but i just wanted to say that i reckon that would be absolutely fantastic & definately something you would'nt see everyday, get the ribbons slapped on & your away :thumbleft:

Our lass wanted to hire a white topless morris minor !!!, fortunately i persauded her to go for the more traditional Roller,still reckon a rado would have been cooler.....maybe next time eh :ignore:



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there's toad on here also, but i don't think any bloke on here, would let there missus be alone in the car with him :lol:


Toad.......The Fecal Fetishist?????? :lol:






Mate, you'd be welcome to my car, but there's too much rust on it right now for any self respecting young lady to use, but, the plan is to rebuild it this winter and try spraying it myself if I have time. If it's finished and clean enough I'll bring it up for you. TBH, I have offered it to someone else for a very similar purpose, and I'd like to have it sorted for them too...

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there's toad on here also, but i don't think any bloke on here, would let there missus be alone in the car with him :lol:


Toad.......The Fecal Fetishist?????? :lol:






Mate, you'd be welcome to my car, but there's too much rust on it right now for any self respecting young lady to use, but, the plan is to rebuild it this winter and try spraying it myself if I have time. If it's finished and clean enough I'll bring it up for you. TBH, I have offered it to someone else for a very similar purpose, and I'd like to have it sorted for them too...



Cheers Mate! That would be champion!

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