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funny response to speeding ticket

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just got this on an email -


thought this might tickle you, recently got a speeding fine, here is the letter i sent to them with regards to it




As can be seen from the attached ‘Notice of Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty’, Offer No: 029415 2, it can be seen that there is a glaringly obvious irregularity, which has caused me great consternation and confusion and hopefully you can clear them up, or forget about the whole thing in its entirety.


Firstly the date of the offence is listed as 13th May 1977 and at the time of approximately 1600hrs. This gives me cause for concern, because as my driving licence indicates, It was not issued until August 1989, and I have no desire to be charged with the offence of driving without a licence. As with most people my recollections of my whereabouts on the day in question, with it being some 30 years ago is very vague, so to assist me in remembering my whereabouts and actions on that day, I have been in touch with my Mum, who, coincidentally, informs me that on that day, I was celebrating my 5th birthday.


Mum mentioned to me that it was quite a hectic day, trying to organise party games and get food ready, for all my friends who were due to arrive for my birthday tea, which was going to be held at 5pm that day. I informed my mother that this actually wouldn’t give me an alibi as the offence was committed at about 4pm. Then she reminded me… at the time we lived in Germany, as my father was a serving soldier with Her Majesties Armed Forces, the reason why we were in Germany was due to the perceived threat from the East due to the cold war, however that is not important right now, but what is important is that the time would have been 5pm, as Germany is 1 hour ahead of the United Kingdom.


As you can appreciate, for me to travel to Scotland from Germany and back again I would have had to have travelled at an incredible speed to make it back for my birthday tea, so as not to disappoint my friends who had turned up to play pass the parcel and pin the tail on the donkey. I would also have been disappointed as my mother had gone to great efforts to make me a birthday cake in the shape of a number 5, which I hasten to add is a great feat as my mother is a dreadful cook and I suspect that my father had quite a lot of input into the cake. For you reference I have attached a photo of that cake and me celebrating my 5th birthday on 13th May 1977 in Germany (it was chocolate, my favourite).


Now the bit I really get confused about is this, the registration of the car I was driving was T*** ***, which happens to be a Ford focus Zetec 1.8 engine, with electric windows and air conditioning. This is owned by my girlfriend who is the registered keeper. If you check the specification of this vehicle closely, it does not come with a ‘time travel’ option pack. The vehicle was first registered in 1998 at new and what is even stranger is that my girlfriend was not born until 3 months after the alleged offence was committed. So the car I was driving back then could not possibly be the one I drive today.


I have checked with Ford Focus Owners Club and they inform me that the Ford Focus came into mass production in this country in spring 1998 and despite all my research I have yet to come across a Ford Focus prior to this date. I understand that there may well have been a concept car by Ford that looked similar to the Focus, but as you will be aware due to the competitive nature of the car companies, they are not eager to release details of the Focus in its conception. But what are the chances of Ford giving me a car with time travelling capabilities for my 5th birthday… now what a present that would be for a 5 year old.

The other odd thing is what would be the chances of that concept Ford Focus having the same registration number as the car I drive today, some 30 years later!


So to recap, on 13th of May 1977, whilst in Germany celebrating my 5th birthday with my friends and my cake shaped like a number 5, as can be seen from the photo supplied, I was pulled over by the Police in a Ford concept car with time travelling capabilities on the A71 Kilmarnock bypass (which may not have even been built!) which just happened to have the same registration number as a car that my girlfriend(who hadn’t been born) owns and I drive today some 30 years later!


I am currently residing at the address indicated above. I expect you will want to apprehend me at the earliest convenience bearing in mind that we may have established that I have committed the following offences:

Theft of a Motor Vehicle (Ford concept car)

Driving without a licence (I was only 5)

Possible DVLA offences of driving an unregistered vehicle (vehicle registered in 1998).


If you could provide a clearer indication in relation to the date, this may clear matters up, however, I wouldn’t be too disappointed if we agreed to let this one go, as the £60 fine would take up and exceed my birthday money, bear in mind we are talking 1977 where the Pound was not as strong as it is now and wages not so high.


Thank you for your consideration in this matter



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At least 5 years old, with the country changed from states in Australia to European countries, and the Holden changed to a Focus.


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:lol: Have you received a reply? maybe double the fine for your cheek :)


EDIT: Didn't pay attention, it wasn't your ticket :oops: still funny though :lol:

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Thats strange, i saw an e-mail once with a story very simliar to that, only it was from a guy in Australia.... what are the chances eh? :?

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